Saturday, February 11, 2012

swtor Champion Gear Bag is a $ 168 "9" double votes - KTU

129732242349377500_350Huidong County one of the lucky ones, with a $ 168 "9" double votes, recruiting was $ more than 7.21 million in bonuses.  Statistics found that 10 first prize for the current period, including 4 first prize for double, double betting has become the buyer knows capture shuangse Qiu the first prize of the weapon. Huizhou lucky Lantern gift collection on the eve eve Festival, shuangse QiuNational transmission up to 10 $ more than 7.15 million first prize. Among them, with actual Earth capture one, Huidong County, Huizhou city one of the lucky ones, with a $ 168 "9" double votes, recruiting was $ more than 7.21 million in bonuses, became the 12,010th Jieyang Lottery buyer buys $ 4 "6" compound after more than 9.93 million Yuan, Guangdong's second in the Dragon shuangse Qiu Award winner.Red ball size parity imbalance on February 5, 12 swtor Champion Gear Bag,013th Lottery shuangse Qiu, the winning number is: red ball "06, 08, 24, 29, 30, 32"; basketball "13". Red ball "1" prefix number to be out of stock, parity and size imbalances, to sail up to 5 even numbers, odd only pop up a "29", than for 4:2, big heat; Blue ball out of the number of missing 10 "13", six Prize winning number is low, only to sail more than 8.6 million. Huizhou hundred duplex make contribution fixed sluggish, but still made 10 first prize in a nationwide, although it is not $ 200 million plus bonuses of $ 5 million each, but in "523" payouts for measures under the power of single notesBonuses are still as high as more than 7.15 million Yuan.  According to national fucai Center retrieved, this issue out of the 10 first prize respectively by Hebei, Jiangsu (2), Shandong, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Guangdong, Hainan diablo 3 gold, Yunnan buyer knows won. Fucai Center was informed that yesterday from Guangdong Province, 1 first prize of Guangdong in the evening falls in Huizhou city, winning the lottery (micro-blogging) by the HuiCounty Road, Pingshan Town, overseas Chinese city, betting, 84th, sold, is a $ 168 "9" double votes, total prize money in the amount of some $ more than 7.21 million. In addition 2 notes respectively first prize in Jiangsu province fell in 2 different cities of betting sites, which fell in gaoyou, Yangzhou city culture Palace, 17th, the first betting first prize, was a"14" large double, bets as high as $ 6,006, resulting in a total prize money of over $ more than 7.39 million. Reporter statistics found that 10 first prize for the current period, including 4 first prize for duplicate votes, plus the 12,012th period in the last period, 2 in the $ 10 million top prize are determined by multiple, multiple betting has become the buyer knows capture shuangse Qiu won LeeDevice. Jackpot prize pool continues to climb out of the 2 first prize over the previous period, on the eve of the Festival 12,013th the first prize of the lottery called is "small's going ballistic", at the Festival, to the buyer knows big big surprise gift. But Awards blowout but stop shuangse Qiu prize pool rising momentum, after a period of award prize pool continues to rise up more than 708 million Yuan. TonightShuangse Qiu will continue to "523" award. Buyer knows that his friends to celebrate the Lantern Festival, as enjoyable swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling, don't forget to focus on next shuangse Qiu lottery. (New Express (micro-blogging) reporter Lu Yan SI)

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