Sunday, February 19, 2012

swtor power leveling 380 adults over the age of 18 - BWK

129731937080315000_30 <a href="">swtor power leveling</a>From: "07073" just after the Festival this year is out. May be due to the new year so most recently domestic companies are quiet little news, but overseas game market waves. But little surprise found that many of the events of the series are related or similar events have occurred in the country! Overseas everywhereSee the shadow of domestic!  In the "Cottage" is like what? Zynga engineer before blasting inside! Zynga had earlier been a number of small developers accused, claiming its plagiarism of their creative works with the intention of unified network "Lakes". Today, we saw a brave enough to say Reddit users, and having heard that he is Zynga's predecessorStaff. One alleged users of Zynga former full-time engineers tera gold, Reddit big explosions on the workings of a company, Zynga "plagiarism" creative works of others is simply "routine", and in order to prove this is true, he has also made a point of upload their dismissal letters, six months ago, said he had resigned from the Zynga all his posts.This user (Mercenary-Games) in wrote on Reddit: "(being accused of copying the Tiny Tower (provisional translation: small Tower)) for Zynga is just routine. Buy no less, copying; even the core technology of the Farmville is bought. Zynga's only 'Plants ' out of source only the Mafia Wars 2 (provisional translation: mafia wars 2), or playing cards, all of the remaining technical, all of them coming from the small Studio buy. To me, they simply called cold. They are going to take a ban on all engines and technologies, all future opponents killed in the bud. ”"Producers and survey market trends product manager sometimes. Hot products in any popular or copy it, or buy it, or else the whole death.  "Foreign media was the" former Zynga employee "and consult the views of the company, but Zynga has declined to comment. Small editing comment: 07073 Ai Erxi comments: Small series of think Zynga engineers before the confidence level is not very high, if Zynga would only "buy", "copy" is not going to go into this step today, and although Zynga often caught plagiarizing, but its own innovation has not stalled half a step, so in general small part that this is just a publicity stunt! 07073 black humorReview: as a complaint of a dismissed employee is not credible, and from a text representation, and whether or not it has no evidence to say that buying technology, criticism, at least copy is different. Zynga plagiarism and why stone stirred up Melaleuca? Zynga may be too red, may be a foreign volume is no less than the cottageSh; this country, how great a thingAnd we also want to be more rational analysis. First, we assume that there is no feud with the former engineer on the Zynga dissatisfaction, simply out of professional conscience come forward to expose the industry insider, Zynga is not is not compelling. Competition is fierce, Golden interest groups are not protected from any enterprise attractionPuzzle, small part impossible to evaluate who is right, the world is complex, not only with a simple right and wrong words to be judged, only said, want to see what a way to go walking with what kind of mentality of the person. If that "shanzhai" no anterior? Inappropriate, at least we have "typical success story". Another hypothesis, was the former engineer is to borrow a recent zYnga by many manufacturers accused of "plagiarism" and take advantage of slander, that this may be just a siyuan.    Result after all, small series will continue to focus on Zynga's response. FB prospectus Save 35 complete experience when a fatal risks any company listed in one of the most painful phases: before the world, objective assessment of their publicSecretary of business have a fatal effect of all factors.  Facebook is no exception. In accordance with the regulatory requirements, Facebook was submitted to United States securities listed in the file list of a material and adverse effect on Facebook 35 risk factors. This is a complete list of the social networking site is currently under threat. Some threats are overhead rodsDrink (they are losing users and advertisers), another fatal problem is obvious (don't make money on Facebook mobile platformThe risk of doing business itself is a venture capital, compared to Zynga44 a, Groupon55 a, a small part but feel that the greater the risk the company's returns will be higher in the future, so the company's development will also be better. 07073 silver Angel comment: no one is perfect, even the best of companies could not avoid some vulnerability, as long as the face,Fully aware of the deficiencies and gradually improve, good optimistic outlook for future development.  Afraid I don't see that the deficiencies of the vulnerability, and refuse to face harsh reality. 07073 comments on the text: in the development of any company, there are many disadvantages, especially in transition, trying to scale new heights, and will surely be more prominent issues, in each caseMay occur, risks to be successful, I think FB listed nothing wrong. 07073 brother Wolf's comment: for any of the companies listed on the NASDAQ, the deadly risk is not surprising! Basic requirements for risk assessment are listed. But this matter reminds Wolf brother rice last year listed in occurs when some columns about the risk ofRoom. Of course who is behind us are not held accountable.    But this time FB events should also be competitors in the expansion of the influence of time. United States experts to study the most addictive shows FPS and MMORPG in the past five years, e-gaming addiction has always been a public health topics of debate at home and abroad, until now there is no conclusion yet.However United States spirit Medical Association recently rejected a request to include the most recent diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders proposal of video game addiction.  Researchers around the world are still in the investigation of how to identify, treat wow ouro, and prevent mental health problems has been seen as methods. United States New York special populations research branch of the national development and research institutes recently found a specific gameLink between type and problem gaming behaviour.  Luther Elliott, Andrew Golub, Eloise Dunlap and Geoffrey Ream investigation 3,380 adults over the age of 18, they are claimed to be in the game takes more than an hour last week. The world of WarcraftElements of the investigation focused on video games, including games, played the game last year, and game-related issues. Research teams through compiled 2,652 effective games, sorted into 15 unique game types: massively multiplayer online role-playing, role playing, action-adventure, first-person shooter, itsHe, rhythm, shooting, sports, other sports car racing, platform, real time strategy, other policies, decrypts, chess, gambling, and other. Small editing comment: 07073 comments: expert study, I have nothing to say, but since most addictive FPS and MMORPG, has the inherent ability to attract the player continues the game,One such game, players are tired, it too has failed. 07073 Xin to comment: for role playing games in the small part that if a day of your gaming time is greater than the real-life time then it is likely you will find's role is in the game themselves, so, small series to alert the player to arrange their time, not gamesAnd silly in reality can't tell. 07073 silver Angel comment: I also think that the MMORPG is addictive, interpersonal communication in modern society although there are simple and convenient, but soul is increasingly difficult because of various barriers of communication, perhaps this MMROPG games is a release of the soul, find their own space, will beSo obsessed with it. 07073 brother Wolf's comment: this is a normal thing! Interactive nature of the game more addictive. Others:

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