Monday, November 21, 2011

last operated a total of 13 over the last two periods and values remain balanced

129624871703281250_606Fucai 3D last issue review: winning 643, group six; and values: 13, the odd ratios: an odd second even combinations, size: 1:2. Analysis of 3D 11,273th predictions: Size: departure on sophomore small combination; decimal optimistic about a strong rebound, this recommendation concerns all small or two freshman small. Even and odd ratios: last issueDeparture in even and odd second combination; even optimistic about a sustained counteroffensive performance, good even for the current period continue to big 1-2, recommend attention or 1:2. And values: last operated a total of 13 over the last two periods and values remain balanced, good and value for the current period rose slightly, recommend and value between the 12-16. Span: departure on odd-numbered span 3, this issue remains to be seenCurious number of long-span, focus on 5, 7. 012: in addition to the previous issue number is 010-over more than three in this issue focus on promising 0 road departure, anti-012. Hundred recommended number: 0 6, 9 Ten-digit number grade: 1, 3, 6 Recommended single digit numbers: 0, 1 diablo 3 gold, 9 Jin Dan: 3 Yindan: 0 Selected 10 Note: 013, 016,, 019, 039, 069, 136 diablo 3 gold, 139, 169, 369 More experts predict stay tuned color Web (

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