Sunday, November 27, 2011

220. Large net inflows of up to this week's medical unit is ConMed industry

129667840494521642_218Editor's Note: after huzhi fall 2.6% last week, continued to fall this week, huzhi 1.5%, huzhi has formed three weeks line yin, consecutive fall in the market, is defensive in nature and some rigid demands of consumer industries into the market in favor of investments. Follow idea of Defense and held rigid demand consumer industry, the securities daily market research center byAnalysis on a wide range of industries picking, elected wine in food, pharmaceutical, retail and four with the above idea industries such as farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing, of which, wuliangye (000858) 8 stocks, such as the most representative, it is worth attention. Wine food industry boom to better usher in medium-and long-term opportunities, analysts pointed out that, in the context of inflation is expected to weaken, meat products, dairy productsConsumer packaged goods, such as cause for concern. This year, wine industry boom in China continued to hold up well, liquor yield rose 30% in January-October, monthly yield 1.002 million litres in October, an increase of 37%. The a-share market, wine-making trend in the food industry is also very strong this week, in the context of a shares decreased by 1.5%, wine food stocks falling market rose 4.98%, or first row of all plates, shown good defensive. Analysts believe that, in accordance with the data in the third quarter of this year, at present, China's consumption in GDP accounted for more than just 47.9%, enormous room for growth. Last 1-2 years per capita wage trend of sustained growth has become fairly clear, the process of urbanization, and policy stimulus, will be to promote consumption and rapid growthLong power, one of the important branches of industry as a consumer class, wine-food industry will face a medium-and long-term opportunities. Large single securities journal net inflows of $ 390 million, according to the marketing research center, wine food index showed a strong willingness to rose this week, week 5 trading days of continuous rise, k-line form a 5 with positive trend, closed 7602.42 points, on the WTDRose 4.98%, outperform the index 6.48%, amplitude 5.77%, $ 29 billion turnover compared with last week scaled 10.425%. Capital flows showed that wine food stocks this week become the main focus of the market risk-averse main front, large inflows significantly. Statistics show that 76 this week traded wine food stocks as a whole a NET streamInto the 391.6417 million Yuan, of which, stocks of large net inflows of up to 36, 47.37% per cent of the total number of stocks trading in the stocks, stocks of large net inflows total net inflow of funds amounting to $ 607.2854 million. Large net inflows of up to this week's wine food stocks is wuliangye, large net inflows of $ 320.719 million, whichThe 5 consecutive day this week, gained 8.4%, turnover 4.576 billion yuan, increasing 93.09% than last week, week exchange rate of 3.25%, the most recent closing $ 14.61. Latest quarterly disclosure, in the flow of top 10 shareholders, 5 funds together hold 91.51 million shares (4 funds together hold 70.27 million shares the previous issue), ChinaLife holds 39.61 million shares (23.58 million shares the previous issue); social security 108 combination 12.56 million shares the previous issue was flat; 2 QFII together hold 41.06 million shares (3 total 53.57 million shares the previous issue). Compared to the decrease in the number of shareholders 14.71%, high concentration of chips, within 1 month of 84 brokerage institutions to give the unit a "buy"Rating, along with 11 institutions have given the company's shares" overweight "rating. Guizhou moutai (600,519) at the plate this week ranked second large capital inflows, net inflows of $ 45,699,570, which 1,038,180,000 equity shares in circulation, exchange rate for the week 1.47%, the week or 4.69%, closed at 209.98Yuan. Securities journal has issued this week 53 ft moutai (600,519) 2000 Yuan mark moutai took the lead in breaking preheating of Spring Festival, the reporter found in Cuiwei hotel, 53 degrees flying moutai price has more than 2000 Yuan mark, retail price $ 2,280/bottle, while the people in the industry said, for now the liquor industry boom and the development of Tall FescueOur ever-expanding market demand, 2000 RMB/bottle will never is moutai price ceilings, 53 degrees flying moutai still have continued to rise in space. Based on company sales of liquor popular, almost a month, there were 60 brokerage agency to give the unit a "buy" rating, as well as 4 brokerage agencies "overweight" rating. Rest of the week-a NET streamInto over $ 10 million worth of wine food stocks were: bright dairy Corporation (600,597) ($ 41.8473 million) and Iran (600,197) ($ 35.828 million) diablo 3 power leveling, yanghe shares (002304) ($ 35.4487 million), beiyinmei (002570) ($ 20.9165 million), Henan shuanghui (000895) ($ 14.4912 million), Shanxi fenjiu (600,809) ($ 11.5967 million), Golden seeds of wine (600,199) ($ 11.3644 million), da (600,702) ($ 11.1932 million), 8 units. Industry continued to grow steadily 2011 food and drink industry growth and stability。 Industry revenues, profit growth performance of listed companies to grow faster. From the first three quarters of the industry's operating data, three sub-sectors in food and beverage manufacturing, food processing, food beverage show stability and high growth, maintain growth at interval of 30-35% and profit growth, the overall profit growth than income growth, remained at 35-40% interval. This year the liquor industry has continued to maintain high growth situation, 1 of liquor-making industry revenues grew 36.85%, net profit rose 45.13% per cent growth rate continues to improve; net profit growth rate higher than the rate of income growth was mainly due to expenses for the period fell near 1%, the liquor industry marketing economies of scale become evident.Specific to the various sub-sectors, ping an securities said the high-end liquor is expected in 2012 high-end liquor price increased by 20%, 10% sales growth, industry revenues, net profit growth, 32%. Among them, Mao-make money the most determined, about 40%, 2012, 2013, net profit growth is expected, the end of 2012 share price rose to 220-275Little problem; laojiao strong maotai and wuliangye elastic, the two 2011 earnings lower than Mao-about 20% and 2012 net profit growth is higher than 40%, wuliangye may even be super 50%. Non-premium liquors, ping an securities revenues, net profit growth of listed companies is expected in 2012 diablo 3 gold, 40%, but should be stable under high base and increased competition, selectExcellent. Markets optimistic concerns yanghe shares, Shanxi fenjiu liquor, alcoholic liquor. Wine, revenue growth is expected in 2012 industry 20%-cent, five years internal energy with an average annual growth of about 5-10. Changyu governance, branding, channels are of high capacity, is expected in 2012 25% net profit growth, investors only need to consider the question of stock price high or low. Beer, expects 2012 15% per cent revenue growth of industry, industry profit margins continued to rise. Slowdown in the increase in costs and revenues may cause 2-3 quarter net profit growth rate low, and could hasten the industry reshuffle, but industry margins improve prospects for worry-free, Qingdao beer brands prominent bargain or are long-term investors build positions this opportunity. Meat products, is expected in 201220% per cent revenue growth. Benefit from pig prices downward, multiple group assets into good, shuanghui development is expected in 2012 93% net profit growth, investments for the time being. Dairy products, revenue growth is expected in 2012 industry 15% per cent, industry profit margins continued to rise. Additional cost pressure is reduced, improving the competitive environment, the original milk promotionGauge Queen shares (600,887) net profit growth of 15%, then only 16 times times forward earnings. Theme investment in the Nick of time in October, food CPI increase down as scheduled, but decreases significantly, carryover effect or the November food inflation further decreased to 10%, ushered in the food sector especially low prices fast eliminating unit cost restrictions. CICC says foodInflation down as scheduled in four quarter narrowed significantly, and it is expected the next year of malting barley in cost reduction, would be a reason for funding to refocus beer taps and catalysts; more easily triggered concern the poor market conditions determine growth, weak and often long-term customers actively looking for to long-held and reasonable intervention price of the best point in time. Shenyin wanguo, said weakening inflation expectationsMeat products, dairy products, such as in the context of public concern. The main reason, a is the mass excess profits for the year behind liquor and wine; second, popular raw material prices once dropped its lucrative elastic will be appearing; three is that macro to slow down market can expect the public to be more defensive in the background. Trading up and costs down main line of two investments are 12 food and beverage。 Long-term recommendations focus on: yanghe shares (mechanism in place, outstanding management team), maotai (brand most resilient channels most profitable, enormous room for price increases in the future, is expected to increase prices before and after the Spring Festival 160-200, 26-33%), wuliangye, Queen, double sinks, ancient wells, Changyu, old cellars, fenjiu, Qingdao Beer, I love you (002582)Consumer packaged goods, such as in raw material prices band opportunities may exist. Top down preferences determine or improve the expected strong performance industries and companies, high-end products performance determined that time more important than stock, buy points will appear better in the first quarter, public concern about cost pressures released sub-sectors, market recovery; bottom up first to industry consolidation good middle whiteWine enterprises, as well as leading the future of health consumer trends company. State securities said, maintaining industry "good" investment rating. Recommended wuliangye, Changyu, Shanxi fenjiu, yanghe shares, shares, Tsingtao brewery, Erie shuanghui development, Moga shares (600,543), laobaigan liquor (600,559), Angel yeast (600,298), bowling Ridge(002286). Medicine unit with rigid demand innovation and exclusive features is the theme this year, profits of pharmaceutical industry maintain steady growth. Ping an securities the latest research shows that 1 pharmaceutical industry revenue growth this year at 30.1%, 21.2% profit growth, as a special kind of consumer goods, pharmaceutical has significant demand characteristics。 Analysts expect pharmaceutical industry profits next year will greatly exceed the income growth of the industry, industry profit growth is expected to reach 28%. The policy level, implementation of essential drug systems is expected to improve. Pharmaceutical market structure Division, primary market is the next major growth point, innovation and exclusive varieties are the subject of long term needs attention. 82 shares were large single capital of 4.$ 300 million, according to the securities daily market research center, pharmaceutical index reflected shock builds technology forms the end of this week, 5 trading two up and three down, index fluctuations of small, closed 3492.89 points, Zhou has dropped 0.35%, outperform the index 1.15%, amplitude 2.18%, sums paid $ 32.9 billion, representing a reduction last week 39.897%. Capital flows show that pharmaceutical stocks this week showed a significant differentiation, pharmaceutical unit, led by traditional Chinese medicine as the primary force favored by the funds, while pharmaceutical business and medical equipment and other units were sold. Statistics show that 167 transactions of pharmaceutical stocks this week together large outflows of 203.86 million Yuan, of which, stocks of large net inflows of up to 83, the sector dealStocks new definitions today, 49.7%, large net inflows of capital shares of total net inflow of funds amounting to $ 425,595,220. Large net inflows of up to this week's medical unit is ConMed industry (600,518), large net inflows of $ 45.6213 million, week gained 3.64%, turnover of $ 777 million, representing a reduction last week 11.46%, Week stock exchange rate up to 2.63%, the latest closed $ 13.66. On November 23, 2011 announcement, controlling shareholder, Hong Mei industrial on November 21, 2011, 22nd holdings shares 1.02 million shares in the secondary market, which intends to increase its stake within 12 months from the date of, continued to outperform, periods not exceeding 2% (containing the holdings shares),Also undertook, in a subsequent reduction of holdings plans to introduce during the company's shares, showing major shareholders on the company's future looks promising at the same time, three quarterly reports shows that compared to the decrease in the number of shareholders 41.92%, chip set, conducive to the rise in stock prices. 40 brokerage institutions within 1 month to give the unit a "buy" rating, as well as 10 institutions have given the company's shares "Overweight "rating. Khb (002022) at the plate this week ranked second large capital inflows, net inflows of $ 34,977,040, the unit share capital 437.4673 million shares in circulation, exchange rate for the week 7.01%, the week or 6.21%, closed $ 13.35. Company is the largest production capacity, domestic market shareHigh, the most complete varieties, the largest manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic reagents for approval, where avian influenza test reagents is Government-funded projects. 2011 three quarterly disclosure rate is less than 30% of changes in net earnings is expected in 2011 (2010 net income of $ 225 million), was to maintain steady growth performance. Steady growth based on corporate performance, nearly a month,1 brokerage institutions to give the unit a "buy" rating, while there are 22 brokerage agencies "overweight" rating. Remaining weeks large net inflows of more than $ 10 million worth of medicine unit also: Tong ren Tang (600,085) ($ 29.5699 million), Dong-e e-Jiao (000423) ($ 23,468,690), Hainan drugs (000566) ($ 16,153,620), Chinese medicine Jiang (600,750) ($ 15,666,140), China resources (39) ($ 14,143,140), Temple of biology (600,161) ($ 12,823,020), hengrui medicine (600,276) ($ 12,547,260) and Chinese godsGroup (000790) (11,266,430), Swiss General Biology (300,119) (10,003,880), 9 units.

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