Tuesday, November 29, 2011

should make good use of. In addition

129667750422802892_31Report from (reported by reporter Wang Shu) decision making rights, performing rights, the right to monitor the relative separation, both restraint and coordination, which was just introduced by the Beijing municipality on further strengthening risk prevention and control of management of the independent Commission against corruption (hereinafter referred to as the opinions) of the main content. Yesterday, Beijing held the city promoting the prevention and control of the independent Commission against corruption risk management meeting, planned for five years (2012Years to 2017), gradually establish a standardized power three systems. Power of leading cadres to reconfigure Liu Qi said that carrying out prevention and control of the independent Commission against corruption risks, is the Central discipline Inspection Commission, the Ministry concluded in Beijing on the basis of the grass-roots work experience, refined distillation of important measures for specification of power operation. Previously, the original risk prevention management, chongwen district, this have the independent Commission against corruption, that is, around daily workFind risk points, but has not yet been involved power level, Liu Qi said that "this time we want to promote is the key to seizing the specification for power to run this", focus on three things, power configuration, power monitor, information, prevention and control. These three work involves reconfiguration of power resources, related to the interest structure of adjustments, reconfiguration of power of leading cadres is a majorAdjustment of interests, so this is a major reform initiative. Open "power flow chart" reconfiguration of power resources, key links are declarative, decentralization, Liu Qi's path is: finding of the independent Commission against corruption risks in each Department, unit, posts, and based on the importance of power, frequency of exercise of power, corruption in the probability of occurrence and the degree of hazard, risk evaluation of the independent Commission against corruptionGrade. And that "we should promote the power to open and transparent", Liu Qi requirements, leading bodies and leading cadres take the initiative to the general public does not involve State secrets, trade secrets, privacy, and do not endanger national security, public safety, economic security and social stability in terms of directory diablo 3 power leveling, power running workflow and administrative jurisdiction of benchmarks, "consciously accept supervision and powersRunning in the Sun ". Holding the power led is the focus control for risk prevention and control of the ICAC, Liu Qi and prune out its focus areas: construction, land, property rights trading, corruption-prone-prone areas, requisition, education, health care, social security, food and drug safety, environmental protection, safety and other areas related to people's livelihood, and public attention hotspots; focus ledGuide cadres, especially the master the right of people to act, law enforcement, judicial power, the vetting and approval authority, the right to supervision of leading cadres, as well as key positions such as personnel, financial, and material management; priority sectors, major Government-invested projects, major projects and major activities of the unit. Liu Qi emphasized that the "triple a" major decision-making investment decisions, important cadre appointments and dismissals, major projects, big moneyUse power internal oversight should be strengthened, further standardize the rules of procedure and rules for the party and, while more critical social supervision, carrying out open Party Affairs, public affairs, justice and openness, making factory operations transparent, making village affairs public and public enterprises and institutions act in public. Interpretation of power allocation in main leadership power restriction to strengthen scientific allocation of power to the main line to achievePolicy rights, performing rights, the right to monitor the relative separation, strengthening the restriction of power relations. Strengthen programs for power constraints. Progressively advance the rational decentralization, scientific allocation units between team members, departments within weight and decentralization within the system, grading, and strengthening between jobs, between supervision and restriction. Strengthening the powers of the principal leaders of constraints, right to make reasonable limits, rulesFan Yongquan concrete measures to implement the system of collective leadership and responsibility. "Interpreting" avoid power concentrations decision-making, execution, supervision of three power restraint and coordination, the key to scientization configuration this is the power structure. Peking University Law School Professor Wang Xi zinc, the relative separation of the right of the three core content. Specific implementation can be divided into two, The first is the complete separation, at Government level is divided into bureaus, the Executive Board, the supervisory authority, independent of each other, mutual checks and balances; the second is internal decentralization of government departments diablo 3 gold, such as the development and Reform Commission, internal services are divided into decision-making, implementation, monitoring, internal checks and balances. "The administrative functions of the Government of any country, are involved in all aspects of social operation", the relative separation of three right separation of powersIdeas, was to avoid the administrative function of Government is too wide, running set of power to the hands of minority problems, leading to society as a whole will suffer, "three rights relative separation is actually a technical means, through scientific design power, reduce the incidence of corruption, improving efficiency of power purposes". Open Directory of competence of authority and power operationFigure as one of the independent Commission against corruption risk prevention and control of key oversight mechanisms, power standardization in response of the system of supervision and the supervision of systems involving three focus, including internal oversight, project supervision and external social supervision. External monitoring of the road map proposed, through Government websites, news media, including terms to the public directory, according to discretion powers run flowcharts and benchmarksAnd establish monitoring platform specification for information collection, analysis and assessment, process improvement, feedback of workflow. "An explanation of" no public officer Li Chengyan said there would be no checks and balances and a clean administration, Peking University Research Center, public is a prerequisite for oversight powers and checks and balances, no public no checks and balances, people do not know the facts, could not be checks and balances. And currently amCorruption, it is because the power is too concentrated, there are no checks and balances. Terms for open directory, Li Chengyan think it is indispensable to the authority, to make the community's powers to monitor, let you know what are the powers, some powers in the past we do not know, everyone does not know it is hard to monitor, after the publication of different groups to oversee various projects, it will be rightForce play an effective restriction. Flow chart of public power and the power of benchmarks, Li Chengyan admits, we acknowledge the past some of the administrative examination and approval, and some are not open to the public in the process of administrative penalties, according to the opinion request, these are must be open in the future, elements of monitoring, processes, results were announced, that gives the authority do not become empty words. Risk prevention and control technology for powerRun "leaving marks" use of information technology means preventing and controlling corruption risks, and the establishment of prevention and control of information systems. The system involves carrying the independent Commission against corruption risk prevention and control of information on the administrative supervision platform management modules, research and development of "preventing corruption warning and disposal system", set in the e-government network monitoring module or as a separate monitoring, collection and analysis of information risk and the implementation of early warning andCuring power standardization system in e-government network, traces of powers run management. "An explanation of" effectively guard against "greet" Li Chengyan believes that electronic network with high-tech means for power supervision and fight against corruption to fully affirmed, an important instrument of this is inevitable, should make good use of. In addition, throughout the independent Commission against corruption risk prevention and control of monitoring ledAn important reform of the field, to promote openness in the reform reflects the party's ruling because many case feels, and result of the corruption, a phenomenon that puzzled people. Li Chengyan said information, prevention and control will be effective against the traditional "greeted" "shoveling information" "mask information" problem, even if similar circumstances of individual cost is very high,Because the control system is very strict. But he also cautioned that discipline inspection departments are still the most important is to give greater powers to monitor and control, if such a system is affected by different powers of intervention, the effect would be problematic, and may be a mere formality. Reporter Yang Huayun Wang Shu

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