Monday, November 21, 2011

both contracts will expire at the end of this month. OneSolutions inside sources

129625420502343750_218Suo Niqia buyout and Ericsson joint venture mobile phone company shares National grid, October 8-(reporter Li Dena/compilation) according to foreign media reports, to catch up with the gap with its competitors, Sony company is in talks with Ericsson, Ericsson formed and ready to buy out its joint venture in mobile communication. It is learned that the joint venture was formed by both Sony and Ericsson 5:5 stake, both contracts will expire at the end of this month. OneSolutions inside sources, contracts will expire, the parties must decide whether to continue this month for the ten-year joint venture agreement, weeks both companies has been for consultations on future of Sony Ericsson, Sony wants to buy out the venture equity, but the negotiations did not bear fruit. Since the time of entering the smart phone products diablo 3 gold, Sony mobile devices and Web contentLack of coherent policies, features and competitors in the mobile phone market gap are getting big, especially with Sony before emergence of rival Samsung Electronics Smartphone Sony felt the pressure diablo 3 power leveling, also saw the prospects of smartphones. Background with Samsung Electronics, Sony's product line also includes tablets, game consoles and other consumer electronics, and mobile phonesOut with Ericsson joint ventures--Sony Ericsson. If the talks succeed, or help of competitors such as Apple, Samsung and Sony in reversing the negative trend in the competition.

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