Tuesday, November 29, 2011

27 people have received a $ 160

129668652423906250_112This network (Feng Xibin) as of November 23, the province found and identified 50 significant fire hazard.  Distribution-specific: baicheng, Jilin, siping, 20, 10, 7, tonghua 6, Yanbian 3, white 2, songyuan one diablo 3 gold, Changchun 1. Eliminate fire risk since the launching of the battle, Governments at all levels in order to troubleshoot control fire hazard for focus, waiting for, relying onInitiative as quickly formed a thorough investigation of fire danger, fire in violation of strict governance of the pressure, in a province-wide, start a "suppress fire" rectification storm. Fire hazards found in the whole province 22,959, urge reform 19,561. At one o'clock the rectification cannot be fire hazards, under provincial fire Commission introduced in various parts of the fire hazard classification regulation, re-Combs, after demonstration of verified experts and technicians, has identified 50 significant risks. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single release planning will enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals Twelve-Five: global leadersAmazing sex scandal counted between [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: overseas hot money is not optimistic about China's love of siping city-old Chi hospitals, fire service installations and equipment diablo 3 gold, fire safety sign configuration does not meet the standard; electrical circuit design, installation, maintenance, testing irregularities; altering fire compartment, resulting in fire compartment covers more than the required 50%, and so on.  Standards in accordance with the opinion, after experts, identified as major hazards, the Government listed under. Kay Ka blue KTV in Changchun City, entertainment does not set an automatic sprinkler system complying with the provisions, is not in accordance with the regulations set smoke extraction facilities, violation of the relevant provisions of the code for fire protection design of buildings. By the experts, identified as major hazards, the Government listed under.White City in Daan city downtown supermarket, cannot normally use indoor fire hydrant system; automatic sprinkler systems cannot normally use, automatic fire-fighting linkage control does not function properly.  By the experts, identified as major hazards, the Government listed under. To redefine this 50 major hidden dangers, clean up, around the fire battle command requires all Government listing Publisher, Clear lines of responsibility, and implementing rectification and reform Fund, must be completed within the deadline for rectification and reform in public security organs ordered rectification and reform, otherwise the resulting fires and causing major casualties and economic losses, serious responsibilities of relevant personnel. For the complete elimination of fire hazards, and ensure the stability of this winter and fire situation, the province in "suppress fire" campaign set up 200$ 0 fire suffered from reporting Fund. At present, the province has received complaints of the masses to 256, we verified as of 196 valid reports. Fire departments are reported according to risk level, grade processing, incentives are provided to report. As of November 22, 27 people have received a $ 160,000 cash.

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