Sunday, December 25, 2011

2010 Henan province forest area of 3.705 million hectares

129668732771250000_147Xinhuanet, Zhengzhou, November 27 (reporter Li Peng)-reporter learned from the Department of forestry in Henan province, 2010 Henan has forests and wetlands absorb carbon dioxide than coal for industrial use of carbon dioxide emissions in the whole province of one-fourth. Under current remained critical emission reduction situation, Henan will vigorously develop forestry carbon sequestration to be eased. Said Wang Zhaoping, Director of the Office of forestry in Henan province, Henan provinceEmission reduction situation is grim, but huge forestry carbon sink capacity in the province will provide indirect provides an effective way to reduce emissions in the future. According to the Academy of forestry in Henan province United States number of forestry research institutions published the 2010 Henan province Forestry ecological benefits evaluation report the old republic power leveling, forest and wetlands absorb carbon dioxide in Henan province for the year 84.4653 million tons, equivalent to the province's coal for industrial use II27.3% of carbon dioxide emissions. This performance benefited from sustained growth in the province of forest resources, 2010 Henan province forest area of 3.705 million hectares, improve the ability of the province's economic and social development of the ecological carrying capacity. In view of this, will vigorously in the future development of Henan forestry carbon sinks, indirectly alleviate serious situation to reduce emissions. "Twelve-Five" period, the province afforestation 86.7Million hectares, forest tending transformation 1.067 million hectares, added carbon sequestration capacity of 7.23 million tons, when indirect emissions reduction effects of forest carbon sequestration will become more prominent. Wang Zhaoping disclosed that based on the successful pilot, Henan will gradually to promote ecological compensation mechanism of forest carbon sinks and across the province. In May this year swtor power leveling, implemented by the China National Tobacco Corp. donated $ 1.7 million of 113.3 hectares "green, carbon sink forest" project has been implemented at Puyang Nanle County official.

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