Sunday, December 25, 2011

Henan province

129668568819843750_11Baidu announced joint Ministry invested $ 3 billion to support small and medium enterprises NetEase tech news on November 27, Baidu announced today will be published jointly with the Ministry of "millions of small and medium enterprises help Cheung planned", will be spending $ 3 billion to help 2 million small and medium enterprises development. It is understood that this $ 3 billion will not cash, but Baidu provides products and services according to their estimated price. Baidu's Chief Financial Officer, said Li Xin晢, ChinaThere are over 400,000 enterprises to use Baidu search marketing services, but only to the overall scale of business 1%, distance foreign Internet popularity of developed countries more than 10% level still has a long way to go. Zhu Guang, Vice President of Baidu, Baidu plans a year 100,000 search marketing talent the old republic power leveling, to enhance SMEs ' marketing capabilities, and to build SME service platform,Gratis free publicity far regions, less developed areas, and promote regional economic development. According to "Xiang plan" programme of work swtor power leveling, in Beijing, Shanxi province, Henan province, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region will become the first batch of pilot provinces, and extended to 31 provinces, autonomous regions. It is learnt that at present, the total small and medium enterprises of all enterprises 99%, creatingFinal products and services worth about 80% around 60% per cent of gross domestic product, providing urban jobs, small and medium enterprises, with its flexible operational mechanism and market adaptive capacity, a major force for promoting China's economic and social development. (Majault)

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