Saturday, December 3, 2011

Shen Wan mining

129667840480146642_183Downward market turbulence this week, industry groups fell much up little. Food and beverage stocks falling market broke out this week rose 4.78%, performance far exceeds market, become weak in the city's biggest highlight. 23 Shen Wan level, industry index, only food and beverage, catering and tourist information services this week and closed up, up, 4.78% and 0.2%, respectively; the remaining 20Industry indices all fell this week, Shen Wan mining, ferrous metals Decliners and delivery equipment, decreased by 3.82%, and 3.01%. Visible, defense industry performance rendering obvious this week features, consumer industries falling market rise, Decliners cycle industry, particularly food and beverage falling market broke out, gain more is by far, becoming a majorBright spots. Shen Wan in the constituent stocks of food and beverage index, bei Mei, Chongqing beer and black cow food Trojan gainers this week, up 19.3%, and 18.72%, respectively; Yi Lite, Pearl River beer, tuopai willing, Golden seeds of wine rose more than 10%. Plate in the first weight unit of Guizhou maotai have risen this week 4.69%。 Food and beverage sector hardly stronger due to multiple factors. First diablo 3 power leveling, close to the end, as represented by the liquor consumption of food and beverage industry will usher in the peak season and price point, and from historical trends, 2006 almost every year since the end of the food and drink sector has a "season". Secondly, the current market environment is more complex, monetary policy shift is expected to occurSignal is not now, significantly lower-than-expected November PMI initial value to concerns about the economy heating up, peripheral to the core countries of the European debt crisis spread market suppressed by the internal and external factors of multiple diablo 3 gold, and food and beverages in weak defense feature to highlight in the city. Again, the results for the year of food and beverage industry is determined, a lower risk, and dropped the prices of agricultural products in the upper reaches pressure reducing its cost. From whichThe long term, gradual increase in the contribution of domestic demand for economic growth, consumption upgrading trend has been established. In this context, food and drink industry will face a larger space for development and opportunities, thereby supporting relevant stocks.

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