Friday, December 23, 2011

According to foreign media on Thursday

129667864457334142_369According to foreign media on Thursday (November 24) reports, p (SP) has warned the same day, as Japan Noda (YoshihikoNoda) Government cuts Japan public debt has been slow progress on the issue swtor power leveling, it may cut the country's rating. P sovereign ratings head of xiaochuanlongping (TakahiraOgawa) pointed out that today,The worsening financial situation occurs all the time.  But he also said, this does not mean that p is about to downgrade Japan rating as Japan fiscal deterioration is a cumulative process, so the body will not take immediate action. On Wednesday (November 23), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has just pointed out that the market concerns about fiscal sustainabilityCould lead to Japan government bond yields, which will soon hit Japan debt sustainability, and shaking the global economy.  IMF says Japan debt "unsustainable" risks. According to the Japan total public debt and gross domestic product (GDP) of more than 200%, deficit rate of over 8%, both data at extremely high risk of water. HoweverCompare with European countries, Japan 95% of sovereign debt held by domestic investors, which helps to maintain stability in the debt and benefit rates remain at low levels. P analysts say may be downgraded Japan's credit rating affected, Japan government bond prices fell sharply, rise in yields. In this regard the old republic power leveling, Mizuho Securities (MizuhoSecurities) policyMaster JunKawakami on Friday (November 25) said it did not believe that Japan will soon experienced ratings, but by the European debt crisis, markets are very sensitive to any bond-related news. Kawakami said that under the influence of this message, some Japan financial institutions joined the wave of selling debt. The current 10-year Japan government bond yieldsIn 1% near the top, Kawakami said the 10-year bond yields could rise to 1.015%. P January Japan rating to AA-minus, and since April to maintain negative Outlook, August 24, another credit rating agency Moody's (Moody's) was Japan's credit rating from "Aa2" per cent "Aa3 "; Fitch's ratings of" AA ", but the Outlook in May this year, adjusted to the" negative ".

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