Sunday, December 18, 2011


129667864463115392_384Huitong network, November 26-the New York commodities exchange (COMEX) gold futures on Friday (November 25) closed down, due to European associated countries credit downgrades encourage investors to buy dollars as a hedge of assets.  The session Hall by the New York Mercantile Exchange Comex Division traded ahead of Thanksgiving holiday closing. COMEX12 goldFutures contract settlement price fell $ 10.2 ounce 1,685.70 dollars, or 0.6%.  Silver Futures also fell, the December issue of silver fell $ 0.870 swtor credits, closed at $ 31.014/ounce, or 2.7%. 25th week of gold futures down 2.3%, fell below an ounce for the first time since the end of October, 10 trillion mark.  May occur due to concerns about Europe's credit crunch, investors opted to cash. Weaker in Italy short term after the auction ended, Italy 25th rise in bond yields, yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury Note rose to about 7.3%. Italy 25th sold the Government 8 billion euros (US $ 10.7 billion) six-month bonds yields from 126th climbed to 3.54% of, the market increasingly worried about the debt crisis spread will give Italy financing needs is difficult. Meanwhile, rating agency standard and poor's 25th Belgium's long-term sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered from "AA" rating Outlook is negative swtor power leveling, further exacerbated the fears of investors. ThisZhiqian, Fitch Ratings (FitchRatings) 24th Portugal's debt rating to junk status by Moody's Investors Service (Moody'sInvestorsService) reduced Hungary's rating. Investors fear the eurozone debt crisis control might be in decline. Dollar-euro 25Rose, hit highest level since October 4, which pressured the dollar-denominated gold futures.  Increased investor demand, Barclays (Barclays) to keep track of transactions within the field of product holds a number of gold hit record highs this week. Although the United States COMEX metals futures markets for United States Thanksgiving holiday closed prematurely, but preliminary countIt was revealed, trading volume is higher than the average value for their 30th, reversing recent trends in trading slowed. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) data shows that in October nearly 26 central banks bought tons of gold, Russia's Central Bank bought close to 20 tons, Mexico, and Belarus and Colombia's Central Bank to buy gold. 25th week global ETF gold holdings increased by more than 30Million ounces, rising to a record high of 6,997.80,000 ounces. In other metal trading in New York, December copper futures prices fell 1 cents, closing at $ 3.27 per pound, or 0.3%, in trading this week dropped by 3.8%. December Palladium prices fell $ 19.75 per cent to $ 570.1 per Troy ounce, down 3.4%, in trading this week dropped 5.8%; January 2012 price of Platinum fell $ 25.5 per cent to $ 1553.1 per Troy ounce, down 1.6%, in trading this week dropped by 3.5%.

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