Wednesday, June 13, 2012

" before both are powerfulFront Rift Platinum " before both are powerfulFront - YZPQ

129836429947343750_137Per Mertesacker confirmed injuries no matter Germany full health acting in Portugal Yeah sporting on June 8: in Thursday's training, Germany main Zhongwei Mertesacker collided with teammate older Boateng injured from the field, he can play Portugal has therefore become questions. But just one day later, Assistant Professor Frick dismissed concerns of fans, the arsenal Tower has no right, can participate in the first group match. The guardian: motesakeke to play Portugal in whenTime Thursday afternoon in training, per Mertesacker in training with the older Boateng fell after the collision, tall Germany Centre-ankle pain buried his own stand up for. Germany team Physio group entry per Mertesacker help showed up at once, per Mertesacker prematurely Germany team training, advanced out of the training ground. In February of this year after undergoing ankle surgery, per Mertesacker ClubReimbursement in advance of the season, but his rehabilitation in time to catch up with the European Cup, or you may regret the life. Per Mertesacker to injury again today to the ankle, can't help worrying. Fortunately, it was a false alarm, Germany teaching assistant certified per Mertesacker and Frick is no matter. Friday the team flew to Ukraine before the Lvov, Frick told reporters that "yesterday, per Mertesacker and older Boateng scrambleCollision when a corner kick, his body had raised concerns. At that time he was on the training ground, but soon we realized that his injuries do not matter. Now, all our players are healthy. "If there is no accident, per Mertesacker would badeshitubeier hold hands [sleeves] Zhongwei, Lammy playing left back, right guard is older Boateng or SI-Bend also has yet to be confirmed," IStarting lineup tonight in Lviv can only be determined after the last training class. "Frick said, Joachim will wait until a few hours before the match will be announced to the team starting lineup. "Starting lineup and we'll consider some place not sure is a good thing Rift Platinum, which will allow players to maintain a high degree of attention. "Gomez and Klose Miroslav who first was a mystery Diablo 3 power leveling," before both are powerfulFront, each one has its advantages. The past two years, Gomez scoring efficiency is impressive, both very competitive. Before Klose Miroslav missed a number of games due to injury SWTOR Credits, but he has to prove to us, he's ready. �� Others:

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