Sunday, June 10, 2012

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129828564375156250_63Huawei ZTE denies European dumping According to reports, China's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer Huawei and ZTE are facing EU action, after both companies were accused of receiving illegal government subsidies in Europe sell products at below-cost prices. Fastest next month is expected to start formal proceedings, if the final determination of dumping charges two companies SWTOR Credits, would impose punitive tariffs on Chinese companies. However, Huawei and ZTE said yesterday has not beenReceipt of the allegation, while denying the existence of dumping and the "illegal aid by the Chinese Government". With an analysis showing that, if the facts are true, since this will be China's accession to the WTO, EU's largest trade action. In this connection, the reporter contacted Huawei yesterday, it says "currently Huawei has not received any formal notice of investigation about the EU. "TheIn a statement provided to this company Huawei denied media reports said the existence of dumping and the "illegal aid by the Chinese Government", and oppose the EU launched a double reverse survey said in the media. Huawei said in a statement, globalization of the communications industry needs a fair and open business environment. At the same time, more investment and more brilliant innovation to promote economic development, and ultimately makesVast numbers of consumers in Europe and the world are facilitated. At present, the company already employs more than 7,000 employees in Europe and indirectly create more than 6,000 jobs 2011, Huawei's local procurement of more than 2.9 billion euros in Europe. According to media reports, another Chinese vendor ZTE is also issued a similar statement, saying that media reports about anti-dumping,No official news, ZTE, "there are no illegal government subsidies and dumping. "A trade war spread to high-tech industry is strongly concerned about the action, on the one hand, this will be the EU to one of China's biggest trade issue. The other hand, most of EU trade complaint filed against China in the past relating low-end manufactured goods such as steel tiles, but this isFor China's high-tech industry. Beijing University of posts and telecommunications Professor Xie Mingdun when interviewed by this reporter believes that has launched anti-dumping proceedings in developed countries, as a means of trade protectionism. From the perspective of competition in the market, Huawei ZTE of China enterprises in Europe, the Middle East and Africa network infrastructure market share climbing, while European companies such as Ericsson and Alcatel's shareAre falling. In addition, some scholars worry that, under the European debt crisis, EU-China trade deterioration would make the economy worse. On Chinese enterprises to set multiple defenses Xie Mingdun believes that most of the developed countries to China general merchandise through the "unfair competition" laws and "anti-dumping", "anti-subsidy" way for Chinese enterprises to the EU and the United States market of low-end products, To suppress this. However, this trade has been more and more in the area of China's high-tech play, vigilance. In his view, in high-tech areas, the European Union and the United States and other developed markets for Chinese companies also set up multiple lines, such as the use of national security review tools, such as the United States section 301 and section 337, such as foreign investment Committee (CIFUS) review, the goal is to block Huawei and other Chinese enterprises to enter the domestic market. Ericsson: against the EU report of investigation Huawei and ZTE, Ericsson said on Monday against the European Commission is about to make to Huawei and ZTE investigation into alleged dumping. Ericsson is responsible for the public relations department said Ulf Pehrsson, head of Government and industry, European CommissionHuawei and ZTE's findings may lead to penalty tariffs on them, this is not correct. He said, "Ericsson is a strong supporter of free trade, we are not in favour of this kind of unilateral measure, the EU raised against specific companies in China may be a vicious circle. "Pehrsson pointed out that the European Commission investigation of" unusual "becauseThis is the first time the Commission has not received complaints of cases active investigation. He said, "the independent decided to conduct a survey of the European Commission, has not received any complaints from the industry. Ericsson supports the establishment of a global rules that apply to all industry competitors. "Ericsson is the world's largest mobile network equipment manufacturers. Ericsson, Nokia-Siemens NetworksCollateral (joint venture of Nokia and Siemens started), and Alcatel-Lucent are threatened by competition from Huawei and ZTE. (Our King) European enterprises in the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, China business confidence survey of 2012: 60% EU companies wishing to report from new investment in China (reporter Chen Hailing) yesterday by the European Chamber of Commerce in China, and Roland Berger consulting companyFabric of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China business confidence survey 2012 show that more important strategic position of the Chinese market for European businesses Diablo 3 CD-KEY, but because of the increasingly intense competition and market access and regulatory hurdles, part of the European enterprise investment costs from rising markets in China may be transferred to other countries. China market over 2009 growth more than half participate in askingVolume survey of enterprises reflect the China of revenue from company revenues exceeded 10%, 50% the data compared with the 2009 growth. Another 64% of the enterprises surveyed said earnings before interest and taxes profit growth last year. However, the 48% of European companies surveyed believed that China market access and regulatory hurdles that they missed opportunities participate in questionnaire surveysIn the company, 22% admitted they are considering to shift investment from China to other economies. President of the European Chamber of Commerce in China, said Mr David: "the survey showed, as costs rise and the stagnation in reforms, FDI flows are slowing, and planned investment may also be transferred to other emerging markets. "Roland Berger, Vice President of greater China, Liu Wenbo said:" in ChinaEuropean companies are facing more and more competition from domestic and abroad. Among them, China's local enterprises in brand, marketing and sales ability and product quality has greatly improved. "The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China business confidence survey 2012 also mentioned that investing in the enterprises regard China as their three-fourths one of the world's top three destinations, interviewed in the enterprise63% plans new investments in China; 61% of the enterprises surveyed in 2011 to increase the number of permanent employee position, near three-fourths of the enterprises surveyed plans to hire more staff in the next two years. More EU companies begin to reduce costs in order to remain competitive, reducing costs is becoming an enterprise more common policies of the European Union, this year 14% of theVisit companies said they have begun to reduce costs SWTOR Credits, which last year was 8%. Investment in the future is the top three areas of branding, marketing and sales, as well as human resources, indicate that more EU companies will have to redouble their efforts to maintain their current market position; 63% of the enterprises surveyed will be rising labour costs, as the main issue of concern. Others:

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