Thursday, June 7, 2012

General a-share market share fell on Monday SWTOR Credits General a-share market share fell on Mon

129834111033546250_77Page 1th June 5 private equity Insider rumors and internal reference 2nd page: today's hot page 3rd: 4th page of funds: decision refer to the 5th page: private internal reference 6th page: rumored internal reference 7th page: financial innovation, market analysis: summary of 2,300 points remained an important support to the market: two cities on Monday plunged, Huzhi year's biggest one-day fall, fall half line, leaving a Gap of nearly 20-point gap. Outside the stock market slump dragged down shares. Stock index futures weaker on the spot market, increased premium, low Gap of the two cities, and once after the opening slowly rebounded, but buying bad, down again in the late morning, afternoon maintained unilateral lower end to day minimum charge. Huzhi close at 2,308.55, fall 2.73%; shenchengzhi closed at 9874.52 points, down 2.67%; small fully mechanized means falling 2.79%; the gem index, 2.34%; the CSI 300 index closed at 2559.03 points, down 2.81%; IF1206 of stock index futures contract closed at 2545.4 points, down 3.07%. Transactions of the two citiesZoom, $ 86.9 billion turnover in Shanghai Stock Exchange, $ 72.98 billion turnover in Shenzhen. Fundamental solutions disks: the 21st century business Herald said four years of stagnation of credit asset securitization finally lifted again, according to the reply of the State Council, amount of total $ 50 billion yuan. Central Bank, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Finance has recently jointly issued the notice on further expandingPilot of the notification on the relevant issues of the loan asset-backed securities, a new pilot has expanded credit based asset types. Securities times said a social security fund investment management executives said, is currently bullish on a stock market for Social Security Fund, was the original social security account additional funding, increase the intensity of investment. He also said, in addition, at present, foreign pension funds, sovereign wealth fundsAs well as other qualified foreign institutional investor (QFII) institutions are very bullish on a stock market, these institutions are also additional funds into the a-share market. Responsible person pointed out: the Shanghai Stock Exchange, on speeding up the development of international cooperation and guidance of new competitive advantages is a medium-and long-term strategic guidance document, "timely pilot enterprises abroadIssue RMB stock "of specific content SWTOR Credits, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has been in research and preparation. ����Recently, the International Board has no substantive initiatives in Shanghai Stock Exchange. Eight doors, such as the development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce on speeding up the development of international cooperation and guidance of the new competitive advantage has been agreed of the State Council and promulgated, the opinions that, foreign enterprises to the territory of the timely startRMB stock pilot. Hot tracks: General a-share market share fell on Monday, rising stocks is only 130, non-daily limit ST unit 4 wow power leveling, rose to forestry (002259), modern medicine (600,420), baanshuiwu (300,262), Moga shares (600,543) daily limit. Industry groups fell, goods trade, coal, oil, Transportation, textile, building materials such as plate decliners. Green, wine, hotel and tourism, bio-pharmaceutical stocks outperform. Global fall in market share, China Pacific (601,601), Xinhua insurance (601,336) a little over 5%, China petrochemical (600,028) and CITIC Securities (600,030), ping (601,318) fallMore than 3%. ����Junior synchronized with the market and gem. Technical analysis: the fall of the two cities Monday, huzhi Gap down, closed close to 2,300 points, the market discussion and almost no suspense at the end again. Zheshang securities believes that market may have overreacted, stock indexes 2,300 points near the technical support. Technical indicators, MACD indicator appears green column, a new declineCommence, KDJ index die down quickly to form a fork, selling power will also release; coarctation of the Bollinger open, fall under huzhi rail signals down space is open. Shares in General fell, but fear not, also predicted the market short term downtrend will continue. ����Stock index futures positions continue to decline wow cd-key, a short main jiancang, quit when you are ahead. Operation strategy: integrated topAnalysis, we think stock market crash combined with the International Board also will launch a message against market confidence, the market can only be down to seek support. Hunan finance securities considered, the market crash that has consumed the very short of energy, to effectively break down the now empty party needs more short of energy, at present, shorting energy need to repeatedly gathered at this location could have down break complete secondaryBefore the market fell for the last time. Overall, the market since it is difficult to upward, seeking space had to take down the bad news, this is also a natural result of capital operation in the field, if there is no good in the long run, no money for admission, the market can only end of repeated shocks down to find. Others:

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