Monday, June 11, 2012

talk to us SWTOR Credits talk to us - HJMU

129823442312500000_15MSN in China is being not acclimatized: less than 5% into complaints hit "Cheng Yizhong MSN has been poisoned, will automatically send MSN buddy-related information and links, please do not click, so as not to cause computer poisoned and MSN accounts stolen. "Yesterday, Cheng Yizhong famous media person to friends through MSN message to remind friends through its MSN, do not click the spam in the past. Cheng Yizhong's experience is not the case. RecentlyTo, surge in complaints for MSN, a lot of friends, your MSN account has been stolen, MSN a large number of spam sent to a friend, receive many scams information. More users are feeling helpless, poisoning or once your MSN account has been stolen, to resolve these problems, you need to go through cumbersome procedures (MSN does not currently offer telephone customer service),MSN users on this lack of interactive communication do not hold too much hope, tend to sit attitudes, or simply give up using MSN. when in an interview with journalists in the South, many experts say IM (Instant Messaging) market competitive, but MSN to enter the Chinese market has been in 7 years "climate sickness", whether their application functionality, or its servicesLevel, and Tencent QQ growing gap, a bad customer experience, making a lot of people choose to leave MSN,MSN in Chinese IM market is increasingly being marginalized. MSN complaints hit "I travel in the field, can you help me charging $ 500 to save in the phone in an emergency", "heycutie (Hey sweetheart)" and "Hellobaby.let��stalk�� (Baby, talk to us! �������� A year since the beginning of time, many users found that when logon MSN account, will receive similar information appears above. Understand the truth knowing this is fraudulent information, or spam, do not understand the truth and really thought it was a friend to help, or Internet affection. However, thisSituation has lasted for a year, now not only failed to improve, and there is growing potential. Due to large numbers of users are deceived and related complaints against the recent surge in State of the MSN user. Only reporter I, receiving more phone calls since the beginning of this week, hope press contact Microsoft Help, complaints and resolve related problems. Reporter himself is a long-term user of MSN Diablo 3 Gold, received two days before friends information, Told his MSN account from time to time releases fraudulent information, to purchase $ 500 friend mobile phone recharge cards. Aware of possible virus in the account, journalists I intend to MSN customer service to solve the problem. Online search for "MSN customer service", first to find a "WindowsLive/MSN Customer Service Center" Web site are listed in the Web siteThe four "fast-help-channel". Wanted to quickly by customer service to solve the problem, but found that several of the so-called "fast-track", to go more cumbersome procedure, without the telephone service. Journalists think this process is too complex and slow, so, call Microsoft customer service call. Reporters tell their problems encountered, the service said, she is a Microsoft technologyCentre, rather than as a MSN customer service representative, does not provide direct assistance. She suggested that reporters sign "" to seek help from engineers, engineers must have a reply in 24 hours. The service reminded reporters, if you need to contact the agents directly, you must log in to post questions. RememberSo log on "" Web site, raised the issue of their encounter. But can solve this problem, did not hold high expectations. Facing complaints from users and help demand, with tens of millions of users of MSN, but does not provide a telephone service, once a user encounters problems, one-way communication only and not interactive-Communication. MSN of this service model, today, in an increasingly service-oriented experience, apparently has been greatly outdated. "MSN" to speed up global IM market, MSN is the absolute top dog, take a 40% share, but in the Chinese market, MSN's market share was less than 5%, QQ more than than 70% shares, almost negligible.However, MSN has always stressed his work occupies a high market share, by implication, its more attractive to advertisers. However, the increasingly dire "MSN" situation, let MSN feel enormous pressure. A few years ago, in a white circle, QQ and MSN use hold: MSN contacts, QQ friends ditchPass. Although we have a QQ account number, but in the white circle, if they'd not only QQ MSN, it is a face. However SWTOR Credits, because of poor MSN experience, far less QQ on the function, now more and more people using QQ as a work around on the link tool, MSN in the white circle of influence is far better than the previous. Result in "MSN-"the main reason is that many MSN users for basic functionality provided by the current MSN don't buy it, especially on offline sending, resumable, the screenshot feature, group functions, and so on. In addition, when you use MSN, users often encounter inexplicable cannot log in, drop off for no reason, spam problems such as fly, makes the user experience is getting worse, and moreMore users want to abandon it. Rise of micro-blogging, micro-credit, and also promoted the "MSN" speed of the process. According to latest data, Sina, NetEase weibo registered more than 400 million users, more than 60 million active users. According to Microsoft's MSN China area General Manager Liu Zhenyu said is MSN China clients in 40 million monthly active users of the leftRight, including MSN information portal, in 60 million monthly active users in total. Due to IM contacts are your working life circle, once friends and colleagues have selected QQ, microblogging, himself had to follow up such repetition, "MSN" is accelerating trend. Analysys International analysts Dong Xu pointed out that, if not some companies block QQ,MSNShare drop. Mobile Terminal to lose a city on the PC side, MSN faced enormous challenges in the Chinese market, and broke out in high speed mobile, MSN is also outdated. As Smartphones, tablets and gradually spread, more and more users in the IM client installed on mobile phones, tablets, makes the IM market is further expanded. According to Analysys InternationalAnd mobile IM markets cumulative account numbers now has close to 600 million, accumulated before the account number three mobile QQ, MSN Mobile fetion and mobile phones respectively, about market share, 60% and 10%, respectively. In addition, talk to telecom operators to promote flying, relying on the QQ micro-emerging IM tools such as chat, rice, and YY is also in a period of high growth. However, For MSN, and mobile terminal market, it also faced embarrassing situation: growth of the mobile phone number of MSN accounts at a standstill. "Telecom operators must be even more willing to bundle its mobile IM Terminal, QQ with strong appeal among users, has been in a leading position in the market. In contrast, MSN Mobile Terminal's situation seems very passive,Who has no incentive to push MSN. " Tall millet networks who asked not to be named, told reporters. Mobile Internet industry association and Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General Li Yi said in an interview with journalists in the South, MSN today is too late to get into new areas. Rapid development of the mobile Internet, MSN in the field of instant messaging can act as a certain complementary roles, But it looks like, its market share is almost impossible to exceed 15%. and it will get a new development, takes a long time. "Today's mobile devices growing, MSN just times out. Microsoft in China Mobile and not too big, and MSN had lost a chance to develop. You can see, very few cell phone users now use MSN client, this is enough to prove that MSN has been divorced from this era. "" Climate sickness "ills of refractory seven years ago, MSN officially entered the Chinese market, enters the year accounted for around 10% per cent market share, and white collar ring scenery infinite, in response to pressure from MSN, Tencent and other domestic IM vendors also have to discuss countermeasures. However, after seven yearsAnd MSN Chinese IM market share is less than 5%, many users feel like chicken of MSN, MSN is becoming more and more marginalized in the market, MSN in China is becoming "cannot afford to help fools". Caused the main cause of this situation, is MSN's localization strategy fails, climate sickness caused MSN in the Chinese market, which has become a MSNOne of the ills. Famous IT expert Qu Xiaodong told journalists in the South, MSN in Chinese localization strategy was not successful, and the awkward position in which it has a certain relationship. "MSN equivalent is ' no mother's child ', it is not a wholly-owned unit of Microsoft, which is a joint venture enterprise, Microsoft's advanced technology is not full inheritance by MSN, Microsoft is unable to give it enoughEnough support. No this big tree to make cool MSN China, the technological innovations it has naturally enough. "In addition Diablo 3 power leveling, the MSN product improvement is slow, Tencent QQ for fast development and MSN instead of marching in, which has a relationship with its own mechanism. "Across the many layers between MSN and Microsoft headquarters in China, the management system, MSN China according to local demand for innovation, or marketing, requires level escalation for approval, on response speed to keep up with. "Qu Xiaodong stressed. Even Microsoft's MSN China area General Manager Liu Zhenyu was admitted to the media: not MSN China's reluctance to do some things, but want to change the structure of Microsoft's global strategy is difficult. Li Yi nan journalist said, mSN in China go to this step today, is in fact a classic tragedy. "Microsoft is a monopoly enterprise, there are innate arrogance. MSN home, also with Microsoft have this pride, simply look down on other instant messaging software, but don't expect that it will be based on user needs for technologies to improve the localization of the. For corporate development is concerned, this proudSlower is hurting you. "Internet expert Eric network zhouning emphasized in an interview with journalists in the South," MSN in Chinese market have been change and not enough on the outside, not too concerned about the needs of local users, user habits, and do more on the user experience worse. Users vote with their feet is the inevitable outcome. "However, MSN is increased and now WindowSPhone integration of industry to determine if WindowsPhone to gain high market share in the Chinese market, MSN may also be a comeback opportunity. Others:

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