Friday, June 8, 2012

he was helpless. "This case is not complicated Diablo 3 gold he was helpless. "This case is not co

129833416140108750_755According to Sanya police Yu on June 6, 2006 made of a copies forensic human injury degree identification book under displayed Diablo 3 gold, victims du Mr left forearm feet side create trace has healing, scar is SAG shaped, left wrist Department appears Contracture shaped, wrist joint Yu straight bit, wrist Department muscle force clear decline TERA Gold, stretch flexor wrist function obstacles, left in the, and ring, and pinky muscle force decline, about 3 level, fist function obstacles,.The conclusion to the condition identification: "appraisal standard of body injury" relevant provisions of du is the victim serious injuries; under "identification of employee's industrial injury and occupational disability standards" the relevant provisions, du left hand belongs to the seven levels of disability. Report materials of cases victims of late has not been broken introduction to mysterious disappearances, according to du, just before he was injured, has repeatedly been the threat of others andIntimidation Diablo 3 CD-KEY, even during its being cut injuries in hospital, has been receiving threatening phone calls from others, threatened to kill his family. It is understood that the before and after 2002, du from Haikou to invest in Sanya hotel, which is located in the liberation of the city hotel is one of the operating entity. In the course of its operation of the hotel, unidentified people often encounter to his hotel to make trouble,Du was cut before the injury two months, also apply to one of its hotels to help relatives were beaten. Faced with this operating environment, and disheartened. From 2004 onwards, du's nightmare to follow. According to du introduction, a man called Sun forced the Division of property of the hotel to him, "Sun an unidentified person blockade hotel, non hotel businessAnd my family and subjected to intimidation and threats, Sun and others, also threatened to cut my family dead. "Cut into serious injuries of du, while waiting for the police to outlaw the attack to justice, also beware of others fell prey to fear. However, such a long wait for and fear, to a Flash 8 years later, public security organs in Sanya is not an argument about this. Look at armOn the road, with "u" glyphs of large scars, du told reporters in pain, due to local public security organs on this is not an argument, also failed to arrest the murderer, potential risks may occur at any time, "my wife was forced to resigned from the unit, young son also had to drop out, family Guangxi, Guangdong and other places to hide from others to kill. "" May 2010, One of my friends was a Sun and others in a nightclub about to Sanya's box, they lure my friend says, if so and so a fall du, the whole hotel was that they had, to hotel shares to him in the future. "Mr du said, but the lure of these people, but was rejected by his friends. But these people do not let it go at that, last year, the evening of May 19, duWhen a friend drove in Haikou Bo road, by 4 men unidentified men armed hostage, bullying out du's place. In desperation, the friend had to take several men to Haikou, du 's, but since du has moved away from, were able to escape. As du was not found, 4 men were to be brought to the Boao, until the next dayPut it away until 5 o'clock in the morning. Introduction to du, for himself and his family constantly subjected to threats and intimidation, repeatedly reported to the West, Director of the police station maishizhao, and has not yet been effectively stopped information threats and intimidation still continued. In November last year, du was surprised to find himself since 2004 and repeatedly in the report material and record of West stationSo inexplicably disappeared, which makes him feel very confused. 8 letters and calls for a fair argument from the incident and now, 8 years is not a short time, they were cut into a serious injury after injury case nothing, du decided to embark on a road of appealing. Visit site at a large, du's experience attracted the attention of many media reporters. This year 517th, Secretary of the provincial party Committee Luo xiaoruo kelp to Danzhou City visit the masses, du and other victims (several different cases of injury, but the suspect is pointing to the same person), one night from Sanya to Danzhou, hope for itself the injured to recover a claim, May 30, Sanya, "Party Secretary" visit activity, du and other victimsTo visit the site again. In addition to a visit to the scene after another, "ganshang", the du or through other normal letters and calls of complaints channels, for 8 years ago injury happens in their case against a claim. Although every time no opportunity to interview leaders tell of their own experiences, but reflect material on the hand at that moment, du always hope. He always believes that there will always beWhere a reasoning. Du said that 8 years behind and criminals sometimes from his nose after the attack, he was helpless. "This case is not complicated, how 8 years police can't break it? "Du pointing to letters and visits from the material, told reporters:" they are still at large, making the victim feel scared. "" Tell 10,000 step back, even if heThere are contradictions and disputes over man and I was in business, but people cut down into serious injuries is criminal, the perpetrators will be severely punished by the law. "Du added, 8 years, cases without any results, he and his family had a day without safe, every day spent in fear and terror," this thing for me and the family has caused a lot of harm. Number of cases the victim with a "suspect"Introduction to du, and his equally innocent victims suffer more than he alone, although no direct correlation between the various cases, suspects are pointing to the same person-the Sun. Reporter learned that, among those hurt, some victims were cut into minor injuries, some of his own had no chance to see the severity identification. "These injury cases, finally, and without fanfare。 "Mr du said. On August 5, 2004, media reports, Sam, police said the facts of the case have a clue, police stations have been case reports to the Public Security Bureau relevant leaders of Hexi, and to chase to the suspects. Then, after 8 years, the reason why there are no results? To better understand the problems reflected and confirmed that Mr du, who, May 30Today, reporter to the Public Security Bureau, Sanya, Sanya City Public Security Bureau police station of Hexi and learn. West police station, a surname Cheng Deputy Director received a journalist. But Cheng said, Deputy Director, he reached the police station soon after this case for 8 years ago, he was also the first time I heard, "provisions of our City Council, where a formal reception reporter, must pass a City Council politicsDepartment agreed. "He said it was not willing to talk too much, Deputy Director, but he is also Mr du, who provided to reporters reflect material, photocopying, primarily responsible for reporting back. "Waiting for us after reading material, then get in touch with you reporters. "Zheng, Deputy Director said. Zhihou, journalists in Sanya City Police Department, contact the relevantInterview. The Board for the Department of education official told reporters, in charge to visit the scene and related material he asked reporters to stay, after they will be reported to the Bureau, then contact a reporter interviews to understand. For journalists to convey the questioning of victims issues, Sanya police people did not respond. At press time, Sanya, the police did notGet in touch with journalists in an interview. Hainan window is further concerned about the website. (Editors: yanyu) Others:

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