Sunday, January 8, 2012

and even affect social stability

129667840536396642_324Due to the Exchange on self-regulation, jurisdiction of the Securities and Futures Commission, neither the local finance office implementation is very easy to market risk the outbreak. Tianjin cultural art Exchange launched the "roaring of the Yellow River" just 29 day surge 16 times, but after continuous drop, less advanced investors suffered huge losses. Hangzhou small weeks now has been busy defending, on November 10 he requisitions to Shandong TaishanWu Guanzhong 1975 works issued by the Lijiang new Huang as the subject of "Wu Guanzhong 01", the number of 300,000 copies, $ 1 per copy. On November 15, by 23% from the first day, after several fell, only $ 0.61, losses close to 40%. Arguably, market losses. But recently issued by the State Council on rectifyingVarious trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision (hereinafter the decision), Tarzan belongs to their illegal operation. Small weeks suggested that Exchange in accordance with the offer price repurchase "Wu Guanzhong 01", but have not been any response. At present, the Taishan Exchange websites "share investment forum" and "investor microblogging" is off, customer service phone is also unanswered. Secretary of State for consolidation within a specified timeIn my file that, at present there are trading venues, illegal securities and futures trading activities without approval; serious speculation and price manipulation in Exchange; Manager misappropriating client funds by individual transactions, and so on. If these problems spread, vulnerable to systemic, culture, financial risk, and even affect social stability, you should take measuresDetermined to remedy the situation. The provisions of the decision, with the exception established by law or approved by the State Council of the stock exchange trading venues outside of the financial products transaction, any interest in trading floors shall be any split into equal shares public offering shall not adopt a centralized price bidding, market makers, and other centralized trading means transactions; interest shall not be in accordance with the standard trading unit begin trading,Where investors buy or sell after selling to buy the same trades after an interval of not less than 5 business days, except otherwise provided by law, administrative regulations, rights holder Trojan and not more than 200 people. From Taishan Exchange previously listed "wing of the Yellow River jade," "Wu Guanzhong 01" and "Wu Guanzhong 02" 3 share of the product, investors purchase only when required to100,000 copies of an integer multiple of, does not have a limit of 200 people; 1000 at point of transaction, after being traded the old republic power leveling, holders number well over 200 people. Its current continuous bidding, "t-0" model, clearly in the decisions of the adjustment range. Have been set up around the most, precious metals, such as Exchange and the wine ExchangeSimilar transaction systems and modes. In accordance with the requirements of the State Council, reorganization led by SFC "straighten up all kinds of exchanges, joint meeting of departments" to co-ordinate and coordinating the work of cleaning up illegal stock futures trading. Are still engaged in illegal trading sites of the Securities and futures trading activities, the decision is strictly prohibited in any way expand the business scope, no added transactionKind, is prohibited to new investors, and deadline to cancel or close the deal activity; unauthorised trading place names used in the "Exchange" Exchange of words star wars the old republic power leveling, you should cleanup code for the period. During the reorganization, shall not establish a new standardized product or exchange of contracts. At the same time, where the use of "exchanges" exchanges, except with the State Council or the State Council, financeApproved by the administrative departments, it must be reported to the provincial people's Government; provincial prior permission, you should seek the views of the joint meeting. Exchange disaster in recent years, various exchanges have sprung up throughout the country up, according to statistics, scattered around the country Exchange has exceeded 300, trades are more than hundreds of species. Judging from media reports, established around tradeTraded varieties include not only the rare metal, works of art, financial assets, ownership, carbon emissions, including agricultural products, pharmaceutical products, and to top Chinese drug, ginseng, garlic, fruit, red pepper, silk became the Exchange transaction. Upsurge of building exchanges and also spread from cities to cities, and even little town in the Valley have also set up Exchange,Claims to "make rare metal of the World Trade Center and the physical distribution center". At the same time, a large number of private property rights exchanges were also established. But due to the lack of supervision, all kinds of new coming out of most of the Exchange rules are not clear, delisting unclear issues much-criticized all parties. In particular, many commodities electronic marketplace, in the name of e-commerce, trades spread to various agriculture and sidelineProducts, coupled with no corresponding physical delivery capability, and spot demand decoupling of virtual volumes, blind spots, agents for the margin supervision Commission, on behalf of the customer malicious brush single does not standardize operation, while sliding into purely speculative trading floors, has planted many financial risks. In 2008, the Chinese stock exchange Chief Guo Yuanfeng abscond with the money, the legacy of the hundreds of millions of dollarsMargin black holes have been unable to resolve. Due to the Exchange on self-regulation, jurisdiction of the Securities and Futures Commission, neither the local finance office implementation is very easy to market risk the outbreak. Tianjin cultural art Exchange launched the "roaring of the Yellow River" just 29 day soaring 16 times (this newspaper reported March 22 Edition of the year did), but fell in a row, slow loss of investorHeavy losses. Notice of rehabilitation in Han and Tang dynasty art exchanges, released November 21, decided on November 22, 2011 all trades are suspensions. China wine Exchange is decided from November 29 to cancel less than 100 copies of odd lot, minimum adjustment of all transactions for a bottle, all delegates are required to be primary and its integer multiples. But do notLess exchange such as the Tianjin Exchange, Pan-Asian and non-ferrous metals Exchange, Tianjin, Kunming precious metal exchanges still traded as usual. In fact, the current still continues to set up Exchange is hitting a gun under the State Council. Shaanxi Province has just released this month by the art trade "history weight" art assets share 22nd received finance office in Shaanxi province forward the exchange of files of the State Council, decideStop issuing and checking investor in verifying the Member refund within 5 business days of the account, for the "historical weight" asset package purchase, money transfer checking investor members first round for a full refund formalities. Legal experts say that, in accordance with past practice, share holder does not have to too much panic, investors may refer to transactions 7 days will be halted only last year is known as"Emus Nasdaq" rectification of the Henan technological property exchange programme, the core is "according to the number and cost of buying existing shareholding acquisition", that is, in addition to profit out of the game and cut meat out of existing share holders are available on purchase cost acquisition.

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