Monday, January 9, 2012

Diablo 3 Power Leveling prepared by brush to overdraft credit card consumption ABL

129667840463584142_144Mr Hui first payment to be paid for the House, still in his hands more than $ 30,000 in cash and not wanting to use maturing time deposit, prepared by brush to overdraft credit card consumption, while dozens of days interest-free period. However, when the credit card are unable to go through several times, it turns out that recently the row limit in some industries, including real estate large-value payments. Cardholder: no lines, to provideBrush cannot afford to see your credit card is blocked, Mr HUI was very puzzled, your credit record has been very good, never cashed and overdue repayment behaviour is normal consumer credit card. A $ 50,000 overdraft limit of credit cards: why do will be limited to pay more than 30,000 yuan? He immediately calls the bank credit card customer service enquiries, get answer is "we are differentLimits vary, regardless of the card and the cardholder. "It was alleged that the Bank this provision since the beginning of September this year, limit credit cards in the field of real estate, wholesale large consumption. If you really need a down payment by credit card, you can swipe, the objective is to control small loans for real estate consumer and wholesale business. Insiders speculated that this provision wasThe background of the front lines of credit tightening, the Bank prevent bad debt risk and restrict certain customers using large sets of the real estate consumer. If you have a customer with a credit card "curve to buy" pay the down payment, there is no doubt that credit card consumer credit functions into a small loan capital flows into real estate, risk incalculable, and the current regulators in exercising strict control over real estate of all kinds of risks。 Chengdu evening news reporter has consulted several other bank credit card Center, said the current had not made in a line of credit limit, but buying a House, buy items such as cars Diablo 3 Power Leveling, health care, wages in lieu of payment cannot be a consumption points, industry sources said the main reason for "fees charged by the Bank in these industries is very low." Reminder: use "cash advance" feature without POSMachine for overdraft consumption, and in the hands of really needed a cash, credit card cash advance ways can it? Remind cardholders of the Division of financial management, cash withdrawal with credit cards cannot enjoy grace period treatment, banks not only to charge a processing fee of 1% per cent range, cycle also charged interest; cyclical interest interest in accordance with the date five out of 10,000 collection, at the same time charge compound interest monthly diablo 3 gold, soLarge overdrawn cash withdrawal is best not to use a credit card cash advance business, in order to avoid high capital costs. Moreover, if you are not ready to repay funds, would result in consequences of credit card late, late interest, so as to be liable to pay credit card late fees, litigation expenses, credit card late payments will also have an adverse credit history, affecting the future of personal loans.

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