Thursday, January 12, 2012

swtor credits map-160 is valuable wealth QKW

129668732783906250_174Map-160 strategic bombers (information), according to Russia the military system news website reported on November 3 Diablo 3 Gold, 2011 Russia's efforts to maintain their long-range bomber base map-160 suffered setbacks because Russia's air force could not ordered a sufficient number of map-160 engine to support manufacturers. Russia's air force annually require only about 5 NK-32 engine. Each map-160 NK-32 engines equipped with thrust 3*5 4 tons. Most of these engines are made in 10-20 years ago, and after a number of major repairs. Over time, these engines would not be required to repair swtor credits, so you need a certain number of new engines. However, the manufacturers insisted that economically effective minimum annual output is20 engines. Otherwise, in the case of annual subscription 5, 1 engines will be higher than the price of the Government is prepared to pay the price. At present negotiations are still continuing. Such a message for the air force generals are restless. Partly, 2 map-160 a year ago along Russia around for a record 23 hours, 18,000-kilometer flight. To do this, by Chandran Nair-76 tanker conducted two aerial refueling. A feat that's not new. Two years ago-160 have completed a 21-hour flight. Map-160 was designed to be heavy bombers, in recent years, the figure-160 is primarily a remote reconnaissance use. However, even under this purpose, figure-160 can carry cruise missiles and other air to ground weapons。 Russia believed that the air force leadership, map-160 is valuable wealth, should continue to use. But after the end of the cold war, Russia provides parts for the military defense industry encountered enormous difficulties. Era of the cold war many companies went bankrupt, and the surviving company often is unable to produce the high quality products that had previously produced. 3 years ago, Russia was on their self-Discipline since the early 90 's the first new map-160 heavy bombers. Resume production of the aircraft was 5 years ago. According to the plan, every 18 months and produced a new map-160 aircraft. However, it seems, these plans have been shelved in favour of equipment upgrades to existing aircraft. At present, the existing map-160 planes for 16. Map-160 ceased in 1994Production, several of aircraft was not fully completed. All blanket, the first new aircraft are 1990 one of uncompleted aircraft. After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, many Russia factory closed. Its bankruptcy partly due to the Soviet Union directly. Defense budget reduced by more than two-thirds, arms production hit. The normal operation of the production of export productsFactory. However, some shut down factory was retained, many of these factories now back in production. However, talented designers, managers and skilled workers failed to return to the restart of the company. All the best people to work in the more profitable commercial company. Map-160 "Jolly Roger" and the United States of B-1 very similar to the bomber, but failed to reachThe capability of their potential. However, it is Russia's most modern heavy bombers. Aircraft weight of 267 tons and can carry up to 40 tons of bombs and missiles, flying distances of up to 12,000 km. Aircraft with air-to-air refuelling system. The plane was first put into use in 1987, mainly for carrying cruise missiles. Note B-1 bomber in Afghanistan and Iraq successTo use smart bombs, figure-160 changes in order to be able to do the same thing, while retaining the ability to carry cruise missiles. (China aviation industry development research center of Xinyu Wang)

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