Sunday, January 8, 2012

swtor power leveling ETV

129668631884843750_100First withdraw from overseas of Venezuela gold reserve on 25th and airlifted to the capital Caracas in Venezuela Central Bank vaults. Venezuela President Hugo Chavez announced in August, would nationalize Venezuela gold mining, and recovered at the United States and European banks, the market value of approximately $ 11 billion in gold reserves.Pick up one of the first "recycling" aircraft of the gold reserves abroad 25th flew to Caracas.   Soldiers and armored vehicles escort, these gold bars are then transported to the Central Bank vaults.   Central Bank Governor neiersong·meiluntesi did not disclose the specific value of the gold, saying only that they came from several European countries. "Our Gold is placed in a vault swtor power leveling," he said, "Security reasons, when I cannot give the remaining gold be withdrawn. We will tell people when the last batch of recovery.   "According to Reuters, Venezuela more than 60% of international reserves in gold. Chavez announced in August that nationalized gold mining schemes Diablo 3 Gold, said that the resumption of international gold reserves to avoid Venezuela this part of the reserve by the United States and the European economic turbulence.

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