Saturday, January 7, 2012

suspended for 4 years. Court

129668731638593750_57According to the Nanfang Dushi Bao, the yangcheng evening news reported on 25th, Guangdong Shaoguan Yi fuel Development Corporation Chairman, former national people's Congress, "the richest man in the North," Zhu Si Yi case, by the Guangdong higher court sent workers home second-instance court in Heyuan. Court, Zhu Siyi said heavy first instance sentencing, pleaded with judgment.   No pronouncement in the present case. Zhu Siyi Court seekingOriginal sentence on September 15 this year, Zhu Si Yi case in Heyuan city intermediate people's Court of first instance sentencing, Shaoguan Yi company corruption charges $ 16.93 million, units committed bribery fine $ 8 million; Zhu Si Yi personal bribe of $ 2.2 million, committed bribery and bribery of units, combine the 16 years ' imprisonment and confiscation of 500,000 yuan. 25th at 9 o'clock, Zhu Si Yi DaiMasks walked into court. "I'm just bribe, why the sentence is heavier than bribery? "Zhu Siyi considered the Court of first instance of two heavy crime and punishment sentenced to 16 years. "Many people have reported many years without result, after I provide clues, had been investigated in the case of the German new.   "Zhu Siyi Court requests the Court to sentence. Not bribes are hot for the trial judgment, from 2002In 2007, Yan Shunan Shaoguan iron and steel group during the first materials company Deputy Manager should be accumulated to Shaoguan iron and steel group company for more than 2.09 million tons of coal, by Zhu Siyi and Yang Zhongsheng Yan Shunan to a total of $ 14 million.   In response star wars the old republic power leveling, Zhu Siyi said he personally sent Yan Shunan only $ 1 million. Zhu Siyi explained that advised to supply coal quality, low price, but yanShunan always find fault make things difficult, "no way". Excuses sent Deputy Inspector 200,000 is a favor from Heyuan city intermediate people's Court of first instance finds, from May 2007 to the first half of 2008, Zhu Siyi 5 times gave Yang Chen-Yong (then Deputy Inspector of the Guangdong provincial people's Congress, the election liaison personnel working Board of Directors) of $ 200,000. 2008 January, Zhu Siyi elected NPC Deputy, Yang Chen-Yong to provide convenience and help.   In 2010, the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court on charges of taking bribes in the first instance and sentenced Yang Chen-Yong to 3 years ' imprisonment, suspended for 4 years. Court, Zhu Siyi claimed that it was normal for "human contacts". Zhu Si Yi Defender Tian Wenchang the old republic power leveling, said of the second instance, Zhu Si Yi never asked Yang Chen-Yong help. Public prosecutionAuthor, Yang Chengyong Zhu Si should be provided with a real help. Yang Chengyong ahead of 2008 and the national people's Congress of Guangdong province to a general work and manpower deployment told Zhu Si Yi, Zhu Si Yi ahead of "active" space. ()

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