Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 gold and steel shares - DZP

129756442777656250_4Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of rolling financial capital stock/fund micro-blogging news blog the domestic economy, history of economic current affairs news international economic life consumer financial reviewThematic depth interviews a week topic hexun Newsweek predicted public laws and regulations cover data reading business school training weather collection luxury calendar finance ministries financial products news > body print RSS size 2012-March 07 source: economic report author: Yang Ye iron and steel industry losses were further expanded. Of the economic information daily from CISA's authority was informed by a few days ago, in January 2012 in iron and steel statistics 77 homes for large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises output value of 2,466. $ 9.1 billion, upFall 4.57%, sales income of 260.353 billion yuan, down 8.47%. Worth noting is that iron and steel industry profit and profitability for the first time presents "double negative" since January, producing more than 5 million tons of steel in 29 companies with 12 losses, loss of 41.38%, made by a net loss after $ 2.177 billion, average sales profitRun-rate declined further to-0.89%. "From the 6% of margins to again to 0.43%, until there is a negative number, profit margins in the iron and steel industry and gradually break the bottom line of steel can bear. "Such persons of the economic information daily said. Profit portion of the iron and steel enterprise will last at the end of last year, but the industry has entered aA loss. ����If you do not include non-steel industry look at the iron and steel industry loss situation get worse, judging from the current situation, in February and subsequent data will not be optimistic. He admits, steel mill are actually profitability should be better than this figure is even worse, product sales even margin cannot maintain, most steel mills are at a loss. In fact, steel Horn of winter as early as last yearHas begun at the end of Hebei iron and steel production more than official told reporters of the economic information daily, starting from four quarters, mills had by repairing or adjusting the proportion of ore to the furnace to reduce yield by means of production. Baosteel Group Chairman Mr Xu at the "two sessions" during an interview with reporters also said, the current domestic iron and steel enterprises to further expand business very difficult,Have come from the four quarters last year beginning production. ����From mid-February and steel Association data shows that national yield 1.699 million tons of crude a day, 1.945 million tons over last year's record high has declined. Market performance of listed companies in iron and steel enterprises further confirms industry dilemma. Angang steel (000898, unit) after the announcement, expected 2011 vested in the shareholders of listed companies in the year of losses of about $ 2.151 billion in net profit. Shaogangsongshan (000717, unit) is expected in 2011 will be losing $ 1.17 billion, compared with the same period plunged 5,686%. In addition masteel new steel shares (600,782 shares) and the southern steel (600 diablo 3 gold,282, unit) are expected2011 net profit slipped more than 50%. WIND statistics, according to Shen Wan industrial classification, as of now, *ST has been included in gise linggang shares Daye special steel (000708, unit) 6 of listed steel companies, announced the 2011 annual report. Annual report shows that these enterprises for the year 2011 for a total operating chargeIn 915. $ 900 million, up slightly higher 8.7% tera gold, but same period attributable to the shareholders of the parent company's net profit fell by 5% from $ 1.67 billion in 2010 to $ 1.57 billion. In addition, at the end of 2011, above 6 companies of the stock reached 212.200 million Yuan, an increase of 15.7%; its accounts receivable reached $ 1.89 billionNot only exceeds the net profit, rose reached 22.2%. ����If from the quarterly index view, four-quarter last year of listed steel companies have significantly deteriorated. The other hand WIN d statistics also showed that after the removal of s-t shares, as at March 6, 2012, listed 33 iron and steelAverage book value of the Secretary (p-b) is only 1.6 times, including in Anyang iron and steel (600,569, unit), angang, 10 companies of book 1 of the following. All 2,341 shares in listed companies, breaking only 23 of the net, iron and steel enterprises accounted for almost half. Since 2011, 33 in iron and steel enterprises, only LuSilver (600,784, unit) and steel shares (600,010 shares), share prices rose and the remaining 31 declined all average reached 16.7%, decreases by more than 20% has reached 16. From 182 million tons in 2002, to 683 million tonnes last year, 10 years China's crude steel output increasesLong 275%, the current overcapacity in the industry as a whole and the fact that most companies are facing a comprehensive loss "" instructions, as steel announced the end of gold, is a term for the entire industry needs to face the winter tests. Wuhan iron and steel group General Manager Deng Qilin told the reporter also admitted in an interview with the economic information daily, iron and steel industry is currently in a State of loss or profit, not only toYears are winter is winter this year, winter lasts at least 5 years of iron and steel industry, iron and steel enterprises at a profit and operating a very difficult position. "Above is a high-priced raw materials such as coal and iron ore, and impose an enormous cost pressures, the following is the economic downturn, many trades and contraction in demand, outstrip the negative situation, the profit margin is very small and may even crashAnd some product quality competitiveness is not strong small and medium enterprises will collapse. ����"Deng Qilin said. Shougang Group Chairman Zhu Jimin told reporters diablo 3 power leveling, China's steel production capacity of about 800 million tons, but last year the total steel consumption is only 6.500 million tons and consumption of steel may reach a maximum of 7.500 million tons. Because of overcapacity in the industry has suffered distress, from the fourth quarter of last yearAnd a loss in December of this year. Of the economic information daily reporter understands in interview, in fact, since last year, including Baosteel, Anshan steel in WISCO in Hebei iron and steel (000709, unit) group, and other large-scale iron and steel enterprises have been developing "non-steel industry" into important strategic dimension of corporate development. Mr Xu said in a media interview, millsShow "non-steel" industry it is a last resort, Bao Steel "not steel" industry income is far less than the steel industry, but higher profit contribution, profit contribution rate for 2011 at 50%. Recommended reading Wang Shou-Dong: iron and steel industry large losses of 2012 year still have no chance of Shougang: overseas iron and steel projects this year is unlikely to launch domestic steel mills appeared strong pricing abuses

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