Friday, March 16, 2012

tera gold - CTZ

Department of Public Works letter expresses 25 days, the next stage to strengthen the management in the photovoltaic industry diablo 3 gold, and the relevant ministries jointly completed National photovoltaic enterprises based on the investigation, as soon as the polycrystalline silicon industry development guidance, and begins to develop the photovoltaic industry development strategy and planning tera power leveling, and actively guide the healthy and sustainable development of PV industry in china.Solar energy as a new energy industry important constituent, in China in recent years has been rapid development, but due to the lack of overall planning, industrial policy is not clear tera gold, admittance doorsill is low, already appeared the blind investment and overcapacity problem, if not solved, will give the future of sustainable development to bring serious effect.The Ministry was held in Luoyang recently \

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