Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold school bus or school services on existing vehicles - NLZ

129756711582031250_810In two sessions throughout the country this year, school bus safety were included for the first time the "Government work report". 5th, Education Minister Yuan guiren said in an interview with the media, 2012 national financial education expenditure accounted for GDP4%, there will be special funding for school bus. Yesterday, deputies to the national people's Congress, Sichuan tianfu Morning Post reporter, Director of the provincial Department of education tuwentao interviewSaid that currently the relevant departments in strengthening management on a daily basis at the same time, ongoing research of unified school bus to strive for this year will be pilot districts and counties is finalized, and strive to be commenced in the year pilot. Unity school bus "is expected to select two or three tera power leveling, experience, adapt to the situation in Sichuan, then push up fast. "Feeding according to the standard inputs for every 3 dollars a day, all across the provinceCovering more than 4 million students, up to 48% per cent of obligation '. Secondary vocational education "I have already given many years have, could take the lead in the West spread of secondary vocational education is free. "Unified school bus is carrying out investigation and" Government work report "referred to in" enhancing school bus safety management, ensuring that the children's personal safety. Rural school layout to suit measures to local conditions, handlingImprove the quality of education and children attend schools in nearby. Do well in rural boarding schools. "Concern about school bus safety, the current situation in our province? Tuwentao said that at present, closely cooperate with related departments such as education, public safety, school bus or school services on existing vehicles, strengthen management, strict requirements, including troubleshooting, strict norms of security risks. Next,More build system, "this will through the pilot, now while we strengthen day-to-day management, ongoing research, will do this year is that the pilot counties settled. "He said," is expected to select two or three tera power leveling, experience, adapt to the situation in Sichuan, then push up fast. "Select pilot areas of what are the characteristics? When to start testPoints? Tuwentao said about this, first by the school layout, structure, and so the whole situation, select do need a school bus; the second is on the local economy to be able to afford. "Conditions, the Government would increase investment. "When the pilot? "Fight for this year. "" Feeding "over 4 million students" do well in rural boarding schools, the implementation of compulsory education in rural areasStudent nutrition improvement project "this is explicitly written into the" Government work report ". Tuwentao, feeding pilot project in our province this year, "State of pilot counties is 60, greater poverty in our province, his 57 pilot counties. "It is understood that the implementation of compulsory education in rural areas in China students nutrition improvement project will involve even in poverty in our province the District 60 counties, Central for the pilot stage of compulsory education in the rural students provide health and nutrition benefits of $ 3 per day. To expand the coverage of the policy diablo 3 gold, and 57 others in our province, "barren areas" counties into provincial pilot. "Is now fighting for the central support, regardless of the access to, and are invested. "He said, according to the standard inputs for every 3 dollars a day,Province, covering more than 4 million students, up to 48% per cent obligation '. Secondary vocational education recommended free registration in the West, tuwentao said it will on the country next to the implementation of recommendations of the revitalization of the education programme in the West. "I've had for a few years, can take the lead in the West spread of secondary vocational education is free. "Tuwentao said that the national medium and long term educational reformAnd development plan for the proposed 2020 to make this basic realization of modernization. To achieve this goal, the difficulties and weak links in the West. In terms of free secondary vocational education, "the State is fully under way, there may be some difficulty, but it can be spread in the West before, in this way, to come up with the East, in the West Coast, where in the course of development and modernization strategy to promote,Enough of a difference. "(Editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

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