Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling - MBO

129756355314218750_6Yin Weimin, Minister of human resources and social security of China network on March 7 at the session of the national people's Congress for five meetings, press conference on "current employment situation in China and the development of social security" related question answered questions raised by Chinese and foreign reporters. He says of larger difference in treatment of retired personnel of enterprises and institutions, said, in the long run, to solve this problemIs to promote organ and the reform of endowment insurance system.   Now in a trial reform of endowment insurance in five provinces in the future on the basis of summing up to perfect this system, to the appropriate time to be introduced nationwide. Mr Yin said that retired retirement system is because of the difference in treatment is now a different result. In enterprises of our countryOpened the social security system wot power leveling, and this system has been improved and move forward. Bodies and institutions is different from the enterprise retirement pension system. These are two different systems.   Both of these approaches made by the basic pension system in meter and adjustment are different, so producing such poor treatment. On the poor treatment of the issue, as the social securityThe authorities attach great importance to. We have basic pension for enterprise retirees for eight consecutive years, annual adjustments in recent years are up to 10%.   On this basis wot power leveling, oriented to enterprises retirees with senior title tilt, so that their standards of treatment in General adjusted on the basis of increased to some extent eased the conspicuous contradiction. Mr Yin said:And, in the long run, to solve this problem is to promote organ and the reform of endowment insurance system. Last year on this issue have made the principle provisions of the Social Insurance Act, we are now actively promoting now trial reform of endowment insurance in five provinces in the future on the basis of summing up to perfect this system, to the rightWhen implemented on a national scale. On this basis world of tanks power leveling, further promoting the reform of endowment insurance system for staff members.    So the most fundamental solution still is to promote the reform of endowment insurance system in institutions. (Editors: LV Qiang)

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