Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling and Westpac - JKL

129748648159375000_92Meeting network wot power leveling, February 27--the standard and poor's ratings services company (StandardPoor'sRatingsServices) on Monday (February 27) that, if economic hard landing in China, will lead Australia economic downturn, Australia banks rating is at risk. Poor's saying, oItalian Asian small risks to the Bank is particularly evident, rating is likely to be downgraded three, Australia's four big banks exposure is small. Poor's credit analyst Jane (SharadJain) in a statement said if a hard landing in China, will lead Australia surge in unemployment, declining real estate prices quickly, this is likely toPoor's in the Australia banking risk assessment report (BankingIndustryCountryRiskAssessmentforAustralia) down in Australia and economic risk assessment.  Analysts referred to, this might make Australia independent credit portfolio, as well as the final rating under pressure. MarkStandard Poor's said if the economic landslide wot power leveling, Australia's four largest banks to a certain extent be business diversification and the potential for Government support. International rating agency Fitch (Fitch) on Friday (February 24) decided to Australia Commonwealth Bank (CBA) world of tanks power leveling, the National Australia Bank (NAB) and Westpac (WBC) three banksRatings lowered a distance to AA-, while recognizing Australia New Zealand Bank (ANZ) rating remains at AA-.

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