Sunday, March 11, 2012

wot power leveling promotions project manager. As a project manager in the development of the game

129756355708437500_14If not the Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, he visited, a-shares investors may not be concerned about the garage Cafe.  On February 29, 2012, Guo Shuqing, Chairman of the SFC, Mayor of Beijing Guo Jinlong over more than 10 ministries, such as leadership, appear in this is located in the hotel's Cafe on the second floor. A less common visits, raised a variety of concerns and discussions,Many netizens guessing garage café to be landed the gem. Su 菂, founder of the Cafe has denied the rumors.  Su 菂, Cafe set up for less than a year, business model and future development framework is not clear, still too early to market. Su 菂 prefer to interpret this matter concerned of the Securities and Futures Commission and the city's leading entrepreneurs, one obvious reason is thatGarage Cafe is famous in Beijing's grass-roots entrepreneurs gather. In the view of some people in the market: "this is an important signal, means that the system of capital market for start-ups and technology innovations have a significant new policies?  "An aversion to a cup of coffee worth visit cannot fail to reassure investors of conjecture. Last month, who accompanied him to also include cardIPCC Gui Minjie, Vice Chairman Liu Xinghua and discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Li Xiaohong, Vice Chairman and Director of the gem Zhang Sining.  Prior to this, Li Xiaohong was Secretary of the Securities and Futures Commission for discipline inspection had been to the garage Cafe, it is said that "very highly". After you have an aversion to visit, a number of securities market Department staff also began visiting the garage Cafe. "Or (research) President concerned about those issues, early understandingCoffee shop business model of enterprise's survival and garage. "Su 菂 a few days ago to the mode of operation of Hong Kong reporters on the garage Cafe. Garage concept originated from the two IT Giants ' entrepreneurial experience. Allegedly, Microsoft (micro-blogging), father of Bill Gates in the garage, complete the development of the Windows interface. Apple's Steve jobs, the father of, also in the garage to complete the Apple Empire as early asStart their own business.  Garage Cafe, place on it.  Garage Cafe, is located on a quiet pedestrian street Zhongguancun, Beijing. If you draw a line to garage Cafe location, split in two regions: group world of tanks power leveling, is to have the top talent of the University, Tsinghua University and Peking University and other institutions located here; the other side, is renowned at home and abroad, "the village"--Beijing centergate development. Simple design, a bar, a dozen cards, several meeting rooms and a small library. Constitutes the cafes of all.  Total area of 800 square metres, access must be through the main entrance of the hotel on the first floor and a small channel. Su 菂 commitment to value for a cup of coffee, early entrepreneurs to provide office space, timeOpen-ended.  Just a few months, more and more entrepreneurs in the garage Cafe, and a dozen hours a day of work, the formation of teams, final operational maturity wot power leveling, completed the initial venture capital, and then move out to lease new Office. In addition to providing office accommodation, garage Cafe provides a simple print, fax, and catering services. Organizes regular lectures, renowned in the industryInternet people, angel investors and successful businesses Internet celebrities such as CEO, and entrepreneurs to share their experiences have led to more early-stage entrepreneurs in the process of Exchange, get angel investors of all ages. In addition, the creative exchange of half an hour a day, entrepreneurs can at this time to sharing his ideas with other people, also received from various initiatives teamSee you then.  This business model has been a number of reports, including a number of foreign media. Germany media press corps, stationed seven consecutive days Cafe, chat with entrepreneur, observing the Cafe every day operating processes. They hope to understand the development of China, founder of real state.  Trying to measure the level of innovation in China here. Of the future"Timothy Chen" as the garage Cafe's reputation, more and more people are curious, who is the founder of it? Who first met Su 菂 there is such a feeling, a big boy.  He told the morning news reporter laughs that, say he is young.  Su 菂, Peking Man, 33 years old, graduated from Beijing University. In the late 90 's, IAnd from small to large group of brand computer sales agent a home with a friend.  This is his first venture experience. Then, catch up with the tide of the Internet development in China.  8,848 joined the then little known site, but after the first wave of the Internet bubble burst, 8,848 collapsed and ended. Last Su 菂 come to an IT company providing Internet technologySupport company.  In this company, he contacted the business in kaixinwang, 58 with the city, and so on. In contact in the course of these early-stage startups, Su 菂 on the one hand grasp the ability to judge the success of entrepreneurial companies, on the one hand through contact with the early founders, realized they had labor pains. His extensive contacts in the IT circle and PE circles, but also to the garage CafeEntrepreneurs bring experience and opportunities. Su 菂 garage Cafe was established in April 2011. Now in the garage Cafe early entrepreneurs, most of them in October and November last year settled here.  Su 菂 said that he had sent off a dozen successful startup team, opening has so far received more than a startup team to take up residence. These earlyOperators are almost all concentrated in the IT industry, most have had many years of experience, and an ability to operate projects. Chen Feng, was one of these early founders. Decisions on business, he works for a gaming website technical development. After he entered the company, a few years, promotions project manager. As a project manager in the development of the game, we must understand the wholeGame design direction, coordination and technical personnel, concerned about market trends. Several items down, Chen Feng thinks he has the ability to set up their own team, set up their own company.  So he quit his job to become an entrepreneur, and a few friends while resigned, the formation of a game development team. Chen Feng in October last year settled in garage Cafe, day 10 points to 11 o'clock in the evening, rain or shine. In just three months ' time, they have developed an online game, soon to be a leading Internet company's game development contracts, through the company's platform to promote games.  Just on the line, there are 300,000 users online. Sue Lotus seed dub Chen Feng as the future of "Timothy Chen". Su 菂Said that in this period of time, he felt a profound is the founder of attachment and perseverance. Experience of operation of the project, a complete startup teams, are suitable for marketing ideas.  This is almost the perfect template for success. Angel angel investment is in the garage Cafe entrepreneur, having such an open platform, also had the opportunity to learn than they first ventureUsers.  One coffee shop going out of the entrepreneur from the garage on the morning Post reporter described his entrepreneurial experience. He was first settled in the garage Cafe entrepreneur. He admits, initially of course is very smooth, the ad creative, get the attention of many angel investors. Finalize an investment team, thrown in the course of negotiation conditions must be based on ownership of investments。 What happened then is not smooth. Holding investments, which means investment team has the power to interfere in the operation of the company.  As soon as possible and the investment team's biggest objective is profit, rhythm of the company as a whole as soon as possible in accordance with the profit mode of propulsion. He said, obviously eager to chase profit, haven't finished building a mature operation models, there is noAfter a market test, results of the end deviation occurred.  This time, team sales of investment project cost.  A last resort world of tanks power leveling, he sold his company for a cost price. Early entrepreneur he suggested that when the company was originally set up, don't be too quick to look for venture capital. Communication is the key, select the ambitions of the same angel investors, so that they will have the opportunity to expand the company.Clearly, not all the early founders, are looking forward to Angel Falls.

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