Saturday, March 31, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling 000539 - CZC

129771798771187310_41The 1th page: 743 companies disclosed annual reports five bodies exposed the whereabouts in the layout page 2nd social security out of 103 companies in machinery and chemical two industries focus on the 3rd page: 53.3 billion insurance investment dormant 182 3.3 billion funding new Ambassador 29 4th page of the company: annual reports disclose the QFII trends more than $ 500 million Fund to steal chips 12 5th page: brokerage 245 shares of $ 967 million increase bunker profit growth stocks of the most promising Editor's Note: Organization trends has been the focus of investor attention, 743 currently published annual reports, has been able to fund, brokerage, QFII, the five main risk capital, social security and other institutions in the 2011 four seasons of thinking to understand the layout of this article today on 2011 corporate positionsGrooming, and body weight in the warehouse industry and a unit for interpretation of the readers.   Fund raise 406 shares holdings of four culture media industry more than 50% is currently involved in the operation of the a-share market funds, primarily part of equity funds and mixed funds. According to statistics, as of March 23, the equity fund is the market of bigHead, share share total funds 52.5%, hybrid 23.64%, such aggregate net asset value of 1.67 trillion.   Funds as important institutional investors have huge amounts of money in the market diablo 3 power leveling, always affect the investor's position change of sight. According to statistics, March 23 there are 1068 company stock fund top holdings, when annual Fund totalHeld shares 52,815,161,700 shares from shareholders as a number, in the last year, the Fund is in the process of reducing, reducing 7,055,036,400 unit, jiancang 11.78%; top holdings market value totaling $ 671.848 billion, $ 141.574 billion less compared to the period, holding down 17%. Cultural industries most happyStatistics show that in the last four quarters Puggaard lower positions of the Fund during the 406 Fund increased warehouse stocks still objects, broadly reflects the Fund's value. Increased number of shares of the Fund more than three quarter of 50% industry last year (SFC) are: communication and culture industry (133.87%), electricity, gas and water production and supply industry(84.28%), construction (83.97%), comprehensive (65.56%). Cultural industry's most popular. Increased warehouse when a number of communication and cultural industries with the highest proportion, funds to outperform the 7 cultural industry stocks, due to the 3-quarter 129.6235 million shares at the end of last year, to increase its stake to 303.1474 million shares, holdings of 173523,900 shares, holdings amounted to 133.87%. Gold says, "Twelve-Five" of targets for development of cultural industries as its pillar industries, encourage the reorganization of cross-regional, cross-industry, cross-ownership, mergers and acquisitions. Compared with the revitalization plan in the past, this height would make reforms in maximized within the permissible range. Short-term policy atmosphere warm, lifting plateMass valuation; medium to look for concrete policies to the ground, looks forward to specific policies, bringing various sub-sectors targeted investment opportunities. On November 30 last year have just completed an offering of Phoenix media (601,928) is covered by the Fund fully jiancang, jiancang shares amounted to 82.9072 million shares, gallon funds amount to 29, take up the unit shares share 2962%. Public disclosure of information display, is a company established by the Jiangsu provincial Xinhua Bookstore group as a whole change of limited companies. Inheriting the Jiangsu Phoenix publishing (601,999) all the publication and distribution of the Group core business assets, is the publishing industry's leading enterprise in China. Main business of book publications and audio-visual products for publishing, distribution and cultureProduct sales.   2010 company under the Publishing House over more than 10,000 kinds of books and e-audio-video publications, General coding Ocean more than $ 4 billion, is the industry leader in the publishing and coding Ocean. In addition, spread Bo Rui (600,880) is also covered by the Fund to increase its stake, last year's four quarterly Fund totals 42.7179 million shares of its stake in the unit, the unit is currentlyCartridge weight increased to 99.6547 million shares, 24.07% of the total circulation of the unit disk. Also on bestv (600,637) (35.3434 million shares), light media (300,251) (3.9976 million shares), huace film and television (300,133) (3.6754 million shares), and smell the media (000793) (273.79Unit), a blue cursor (300,058) (2.1445 million unit) 5 communications and cultural industries unit was overweight.   Bottom of the gas industry in the valuation of electricity, gas and water production and supply industry was second place in the ranking of four quarters of last year increasing number of shares of the fund industry. Statistical data show that Fund 18 electricity, gas andWater production and supply unit for overweight, because the 3-quarter 129.6235 million shares at the end of last year, to increase its stake to 303.1474 million shares, holdings of 173.5239 million shares, holdings amounted to 84.28%. Eastern securities said 2012 economy conducive to enterprise management. "Twelve-Five" later star wars credits, coal gradually reversed supply and demand, coal price riskIn control. Electricity price reform has been accelerated.   5% in the 2012 contract coal price rising coal prices, market 1-2%, good profit enterprise 2012 PE to 11 times-16 times times, static PB of 1.4 per cent, and valuations in the history at the bottom level. Funds outperform the highest level of power, gas and water production and supply of electric power (600795), to holding the shares 427.4618 million shares at the end of last year, increased number of shares of 243.4964 million shares, gallon fund number 21, 3.06% per cent shares of the unit. China guodian group company national power generation listed holding company, national top 500 companies, top 250 global energy companies. Companies to operate power generation industryMainly coal, coal chemicals, polysilicon, finance, high-tech industrial diversification. According to the preliminary results, 2011-December, company run wholly-owned and controlled the accumulated electricity 145.197 billion kWh of power generation enterprise, online electricity 137.119 billion kWh, 13.56% increased over the same period last year and 13.72%. Shares of the unit is currently $ 2.55, 3 brokers buy rating within one month. UBS Securities, adjusted earnings per share in 2011-2013 to 0.22, weighted average cost of capital is 6.5%, and based on the discounted cash flow method of valuation of deducing new price target of $ 3.7, corresponds to 2012 earnings of 13.Twice times, giving a "buy" rating. Number of remaining funds increase their stake exceeds 10 million units of electricity tera power leveling, gas and water production and supply of class a shares or sdic power (600,886) (103.9446 million shares), tongbao energy (600,780) (54.9042 million shares), Huaneng Power International (600,011) (4437.72Unit), kaidi electric power (000939) (14.6627 million shares), Shen shares (600,642) (12.6616 million shares) and Guangdong electric power a (000539) (11.8743 million shares), Guangzhou holding (600,098) (10.8712 million shares). Others:

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