Saturday, March 10, 2012

wot power leveling two months ' time - QOK

129756477865937500_234Morning News: new year, new Guangdong new world war, will be the second in Dongguan this evening. And last year's six fans relish "the new legend of Yue" compared to no longer have the suspense of the past, today's situation, in line and there are no conspicuous advantages in Xinjiang, and an outside line is distinctly inferior to one, opinion is leaning towards Canton, seems to be sweeping the Xinjiang mouth meat。 But sports charm is not deterministic, the disparity is not a lot of people think disparity of this struggle, spirits and the first elements of the force tends to be about competition results. Xirelijiang was injured, not the biggest problem, the problem is the other country's size, experience in team players, can like him, will be the team's responsibility to carry on the shoulder, not to think about the knotFruits of victory or defeat, but in the process to hard work. Flying tiger soldiers, Dongguan this evening is the night of the test you will, at all times, if you want to prove that he is not as "soft" and lost, like battle, xirelijiang and Murat to fight – the brave strong and yet calm. Mentality-which throws a burden to the opponent either the CBA or the NBA, or is itHe is in the world of competitive sports, there is like a chessboard. Strong side, once behind tends to carry psychological burden; the weaker party, a good place to start is likely to surprise. Before the start of the season winning Declaration have become clouds, this should not be a burden on the players, if unattainable goals this year, but after the storm honedMakes the team stronger, xirelijiang, Sun Weibo, Yu Changdong all growing rapidly, tomorrow will be even better. A team was ranked 10th in the League this year, Xinjiang Flying Tigers had nothing to lose, two months ' time, has to win back almost all of Xinjiang, on a foreign aid is far better than the first two races for the stability of Xinjiang, not demanding anything second place. InBehind or under the situation of disadvantage, flying tiger would never relinquish, that is the teams over the years have makings, will not change because of first home gaofu. When flying tiger can give opponents like last manufacturing threats and pressures, Guangdong young people who make mistakes, when the opportunity came. Brooks in Guangdong, Wang shipeng, Zhu Fang rain, SINGLETON is powerful,But Xinjiang Battelle, Picot, IKE diogu, Xu Guo? opponents afraid to Mace. Game, Xinjiang more is lost in one's own mistakes and bad for the rebounds protection. Mistakes in as many as 20 times, and more than the opponent after losing 13 rebounds, lost only three points, also fully demonstrated when Brooks was not present when the team has insufficientAnd vulnerability. CBA to enter semifinals, around home factors is not as regular as competition results, two days before the whistle of the HS gymnasium can reflect that. Good start, give rivals enough pressure, chances of success will increase a lot. Ext – is to fight but also wits in Xinjiang and the Guangdong line against, the focus in the IKE diogu and singleton with BARTUpon, and Su Wei. As the two sides clash frequently in recent years, and are very familiar with each other, relatively unknown is the new man IKE diogu. Judging from the NBA record, IKE diogu's ability and experience are well above those for SINGLETON, but IKE diogu's physical condition is not very good, got hurt and was a little fat. Their first match, SINGLETON defeated IKE diogu, scoring WaltYesim ustaoglu still more than 5 minutes, but 16:5 of the rebounds, to send Christian Dior, its better. Health of SINGLETON only edges of an NBA player, but his overall defence of the Guangdong Power upgrade for everyone to see. And this is also why, a champion team needs most. Diaoguruo hopes to help the ball, you must change this situation, one on the third section, IKE dioguEven scooped 11 points seems to let you see some signs. However, IKE diogu's physical ability allowed him to maintain such a status in the two to three periods of time, this is no small challenge. But at least the game, IKE diogu, contributed a few more rebounds. Battle is very old, but Su Wei and skirmishes he was dominant, 70% hits 1710 rebounds world of tanks power leveling, Battelle has been doing very well. However, if Tang Zhengdong can share some more for him, not just strong wot power leveling, but helmeted, foul and strong, and perhaps would be better. As two people can be very efficient, and Su Wei and Wang Zheng will be fully behind the Leeward, so overall to be more active in Xinjiang. Three-point line is not outside of the patent, IKE dioguLine also has a high hit rates, timely arrangements for him and battle of three long shot, may enhance each other's defense and targeted. In addition, Yu Changdong and Murat was more critical, while playing for long, but to minimize errors, to a certain extent, consumption and the opponent, is also very important. Outside line – failure to accompany the opponent the Guangdong side Brookes, Wang shipeng, Zhu Fang rain, and Zhou Peng, Xinjiang is a Picot, Xu Guo?, Meng Duo, and Sun Weibo, from outside the United States have a national champion does not know can play – Chen Jianghua and xirelijiang. From hand to have an NBA starting control of Guangdong a clear upper hand guard and three national champion. But the opening match, Xu Guo翀, Picot, and Sun Weibo 15 7 ' TreyHigher than the opponent hits a lot of 28 shots in 8. Lost, mistakes, errors of Xinjiang three totals 10 times as much as Picot of them receiving 6 times. Competitors got too many easy scoring opportunities in the counterattack. Reduce errors, is the primary task of teams outside of Xinjiang, as well as defense. If you, can make mistakes more to accompany competitors in Xinjiang,The confrontation outside Xinjiang will have a lot of chances. Opener Kurt and Brooks into the draw, but Brooks series, the whole team better, Picot in assists and rebounds were the team's added that Trey is a fan of his and the team's most looking forward to. D is not a line of patented, Picot wot power leveling, and Meng Duo, Mula is breakthrough sculptorsFarm-4 0 Meng Duo obviously also need to have a better performance. Sun Weibo on Brooks ' defense was more successful, although there is no limit to competitors such as ghost-like unexpected breakthroughs, but Trey only Brooks 20% hits, has to his credit. On the attacking side, his third record Trey, but also encouraged to team morale is not primary. If the xirelijiang cannotField, the game Sun Weibo shoulder responsibility will increase. Don't think about the results, continued to fight the opponent. Zhou Peng first fair in Guangdong, but the overall national champion, will not go like that, he would have broke out when the play to contain three national champion, needed wood to more playing time. Xu Guo翀 abundant in strength the more time, hit ratio will be high. In addition, ZhaoWing just the experienced veteran, should also be for the team to share some. Morning news reporter Huang Xing

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