Friday, March 23, 2012

diablo 3 gold and theirInsurance companies are also not responsible for compensation - IDB

129764786881875000_268On March 8, the rules introduced by the China insurance regulatory Commission on strengthening the management of the business of motor vehicle insurance rates notice. It laid off "no responsibility do not lose", "high definition low-loss" diablo 3 gold, "excluding the loss-free" the three provisions of the King. "Not the responsibility not lost" was repealed to prevent party deny the new requirements of the most compelling is the "no responsibility do not lose" was abolished. The so-called "no responsibility not lost", that is,In a traffic accident, insured vehicle without liability, even if the vehicle suffered a loss, their insurance companies are having to shoulder the responsibility. For example, a car b rear vehicle suffered severe losses, take full responsibility for the b, party a loss must be paid by the party or his insurance company. But party b If you deny he bet, party a party b is not found, cannot find their insurance company, and theirInsurance companies are also not responsible for compensation, then lost the final to themselves. The abolition of the notification "no responsibility do not lose", explicitly because of damage caused to insured motor vehicle third party insurance, insurance companies should exercise the right of subrogation, to payment of compensation to the owners diablo 3 gold, and then to the liability or responsibility of insurance companies to claim insurance compensation. BecauseThis, just bought car loss insurance, all he had to do to find your own insurance company, will be able to get the vehicle. This in terms of implementation, so that the protection of the rights of the owners. "High definition low pay" halt to the old car modified by new insured when the circular also halted automobile insurance claims "high definition low pay" practices. The past, when the motor vehicle insurance business insurance, are covered by new car prices tera power leveling,When compensation is in accordance with the actual value of the car. Mr Liu has recently opened the continued investment of 7 years car loss insurance, when he had purchased this car price is about $ 200,000. Mr LAU knows only to insurance companies, car loss insurance renewal is to follow the prices of new cars to be premium needs about $ 1600, but in fact, after this car for 7 years, and now is worth $ 80,000 leftRight, if the price insurance, premiums for less than $ 1000. Mr Wang in consultation with insurance companies, they said, even if the vehicle depreciation, car loss insurance minimum is calculated in accordance with 80% of the new car purchase price. However, if Mr King, the car was completely destroyed, the insurance company only in accordance with the current rate of $ 80,000 to settle. To address this issue, the provisions of the notice, Car damage coverage when insured, will be determined according to the actual value of the insured motor vehicle, by both insurance companies and owners agreed insurance amount together. This provision makes life longer can really benefit when the insured vehicle. Excluding non-indemnity insurance premium savings on additional risks ending 10% in the eyes of many people, regardless of non-indemnity insurance is that no matter what circumstances are to be paid in settlement of claimsInsurance, but this is not the case in the past. There are four bet regardless of non-indemnity insurance, plus chain Franchise, additional insurance Franchise, could not find third party accidents and accident responsibility difficult to determine which of four, was denied claims of the insured. For example, while Wang was away for business, car collision loss seriously, but cannot find the perpetrators, insurance companies inform without failure of non-indemnity insurance, Xiao Wang has to bearLoss of 30%. Because, according to insurance rules, car loss insurance should be a claim by a third party, and cannot find a third party, the implementation of 30% absolutely free odds, 30% losses borne by the insured. Xiao Wang's cars in the Park during the hit, and he was unable to find the perpetrators, even if the vote regardless of non-indemnity insurance, also do not have access to full compensation. Past ownersMust purchase excluding from pay additional insurance extra, can enjoy more pay. ����New rules cancel this additional insurance, owners can save more than 10% about premiums. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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