Friday, March 23, 2012

tera gold Property stocks fell on March 6 in the most - UOY

129755644322812500_91Property stocks fell on March 6 in the most, up to 14:42, Pearl holdings fell in 8.31%, East Lake high-tech by 4.64%, bright China holding down 3.38%, suning universal dropped 2.98% gree real estate by 2.81%. March 5, opening of the 11th session of the fifth national people's Congress meeting in the great Hall of theTo listen State Council Premier Wen Jiabao's Government report, report of the review of the annual report and budget. Wen Jiabao said tera gold, "We firmly strengthen the regulation of the real estate market, ensure that adjustment policies to the letter, to see results. Speculative, investment needs are obvious diablo 3 gold, and house prices fell in most cities, effects are felt. We attach great importance to preventing and reducing the fiscal deficitPolitical potential risks in the financial sector, to conduct a comprehensive audit of local government debt in a timely manner, figuring out a form of local government for many years total size tera gold, causes, the repayment period of the debt and regional distribution. The debt has played an active role in economic and social development, forming a large amount of good assets; there are some risks, in particular part of the solvency of the weaker regionsOf local risks. "The main release important signal (unit) of capital flows has been great changes! Free Level-2 high-speed charging power limited to free software Others:

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