Sunday, March 18, 2012

tera power leveling some experts pointed out that - ZEX

129756500989062500_27Western media believe that Putin will probably encounter more hostile groups in the future. On March 4, Russia's presidential election, incumbent President Medvedev and Putin had experienced at the beginning of the vote "a little trouble": separate encounters to "reject" slips and embarrassing. But this little anecdote, apparently did not stop King Putin's strong return。 Russia's Central Election Commission on the results of all votes shows that Putin votes as much as 63.6%, won the general election victory. Russian Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov votes for 17.18%, and an independent candidate Mikhail Prokhorov, the Liberal Democratic Party leader Zhirinovsky, a just Russia party leader Mironov only 7.98%, respectively, 3.85% of the vote. Although once again degenerated into "a political showpiece" Gennady Zyuganov said that his leadership and representatives of Russia Communist Party would not recognize the results of presidential elections, that it "neither legitimate nor honest, more opaque". But even under the high vote for the third time, Putin was elected President of bad Western media has to admit, such complaints and on selectedComplaint, statistical process does not alter the Putin easily WINS election results. Since Medvedev announced by Putin on behalf of unified Russia party's participation in the 2012 Russia after the presidential election, Putin's return to the Kremlin almost no suspense. But political changes and inscrutable, tears when Putin in his victory speech, maybe telling people its again the power Peak RoadDidn't people think so easily. Any of the four-year position in President Putin's second term, especially in 2007, controversy and speculation surrounding the successor Putin has continued. Russia under the Constitution, the President only two consecutive terms, and Putin's ambitions of Prime endlessly, so finding a reliable "successor" or "transition",Continued Putin about Russia's political key.   First calls the highest is Russia, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Igor Ivanov diablo 3 gold, and then was suddenly promoted to Prime Minister Victor Zubkov Putin became popular, until finally, Medvedev is identified as the reverse situation in 2008 Russia presidential candidate of the election. When the analysis,Medvedev personalized low profile, focusing on keeping the advantages of competing for a successor. Because in case of Putin enjoy high prestige, Medvedev is a look "to work closely with it without any accidental politician". When there are comments that, choose young, introverted and less experienced Medvedev as successor, Putin wishes 2012 intent not to return to Presidency speaks for itself. However after he boarded, gradually showing its charm, and striving for their drama, Russia politics have begun to Walter map interpretation "errenzhuan" legend. Some observers even believe that, Mei Shi "has been trying to prove that he is different from Putin, he has his own ideas, he can become a President".Sensitive analysis of becoming aware of Medvedev and Putin also fading away, and even contrary to Putin's position, set forth in the international arena.   For example, Russia in Libya on the issue of playing "peacemaker" role, thought that was led by Mr Medvedev result. After gaining some political appeal, President Medvedev had hinted strongly hope re-elected, although the mostHis clear support after President Putin's election, but such a shift inevitably and ultimately, Walter map behind the two forces of fierce trials of strength and mutual compromise. Medvedev after attending our largest competitors drop out of the presidential race, late last year on his way to return to the Kremlin, Putin also met a level of frustration � in Russia's State Duma elections in the Unified Russia party onlyA simple majority of the votes, and exposes fraud scandal, triggering mass protests nationwide. Facing public crisis of confidence, Mr Putin, with its wealth of political experience, accede to public opinion, showed great political tolerance, allowing the opposition prior to the elections held massive rallies and demonstrations in the streets, and installed a large number of cameras and the voting process is the presidential election networkSowing, to show the determination of transparent, fair elections.   Then Putin also made a keep the combination attack, successfully stabilizing and reversing a decline.   To or not to? Tolerated by the election, Putin caused mass protests and protests always within the framework of the law, this is seen as Russia political transformation in recent years, accumulated a certain progress, evenIs Russia a new starting point of the democratic process. In addition, in order to attract media attention, save people, he published seven in a row before selected election articles, to reform as the main line, from the economic, political, and all levels of people's livelihood discussed the future Russia's development, give people sketch out a new blueprint for the better. Even Putin's campaign has advocated innovation and direction and a fewComparable to the opposition candidates.   For instance, in the proposals for the programme of the, was accused of plagiarism by Gennady Zyuganov discussed Putin's Russia Communist Party's claim. Optimistic analysts believe that Putin will make a difference, and has "started to let go of liberalization." Election article, because according to him, he will exercise more freedom in a number of areas during the third term of managementModel, including the introduction of local elections, massive privatization processes, reducing bureaucracy, and so on. The other hand, has pointed out, today's Russia is clearly better than in the past "democracy". In this campaign, Putin's influence Russia political authority is generally considered a discount against calls to Putin have ceased to be taboo. Western media believed thatPutin will probably encounter more hostile groups in the future, and this is also encountered such a situation for the first time in his political career.   Sustainability, mass protests of the opposition in the election of Putin in the next administration, had to make some kind of self limitation, listen to more dissenting voices. Faced with the new situation, Putin, of course, very clear release of seasoned political tolerance, innovationThe need for information. He in a March 2 France, and Italy, and Germany, and Canada and Japan made clear in an interview with the media, future ruling does not restrict not only the opposition, but also "dialogue with all people, including supporters and critics".   And, under Putin more than once expressed the Government's determination to promote reform. However, in the view of some analysts,Putin made the commitment to change is possible for election need only. In their view, Conservative leader Putin may introduce some political reforms, but they will not touch the essence.   Because Putin has not yet encountered a competitive rival, he had no substantive reform of the power and ground. Also from the public view, Russia bureaucratic tradition seriously, and in additionAddition to the elite and middle class, most of Russia human indifference to politics, they still prefer the "traditional Russia order". According to the statistical data in early 2011, even if stability "may need to be at the expense of democratic principles and freedom of the individual", remains almost 70% of Russia who select "stable", while only about 20% people will choose "complete freedom ofDemocracy. "   Therefore, from the perspective of social foundations, during President Putin's third term, Russia is unlikely to start radical democratization of the political process in a short time. New citizens West media also pointed out that, although Putin won easily, but the power situation was uncertain of its future. Putin's Government are at a crossroads, if it cannot be resolved-Russian-RomanianMany serious problems facing reform stalled, then Russia trend of the future will be uncertain, there will even be "bloody uprising". Since the election diablo 3 power leveling, Russia appears certain, liberal and democratic environment, reform voices strong Russia of Putin's Government will be the future of the middle class troublemaker. Crowd protests since the end of last yearWhich is made up of the middle class. Though Russia accounted for only a small fraction of the population as a whole tera power leveling, but belongs to the elite group, compared with the general population, have a wider range of social influence, especially on the network has a great voice. As networks expand in the general public, the elite social influence will grow, the Putin Government to impose huge GovernmentPressure modified. In addition, some experts pointed out that, more and more, and grew up after the cold war, Russia will become new citizens is an important challenge for the next Presidency, Putin. As a matter of fact, in a mass demonstration at the end of last year, these young people have begun to shine. Generation for the last century 90 's Russia unrest and decline history of IndiaNot deep, so they to Putin as Russia's contribution to stability and economic development may not be appreciated.

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