Tuesday, April 3, 2012

swtor credits in a certain sense the vehicle with "gifts" in nature.   After the sentencing - LCD

129770919906875000_149Report from (reporter Pei Xiaolan) law before marriage will be buying new cars registered in the girlfriend's father name tera gold, due to emotional feud between husband and wife after the marriage, he asked his father-in-law paid customers.  Reporter learned yesterday, shunyi Court of first instance finds that the vehicle as "gifts", dismissing the prosecution of Mr. Mr complains swtor credits, in September 2010, he spent $ 278,000 bought a Volkswagen ccCars. He and Lady Shaw is love, her father liked the Shaw Shaw, made clear that you want to buy, and require the vehicle registered in his name. Mr Lo said, he due to feelings, according to requirements of the other dealers invoice again, buyers write to Mr Shaw, but has not been paid to his car after Mr. After the marriage, his emotional discord with his wife diablo 3 gold, SueFather-in-law to recover the car. Shaw argued that, when his daughter was, and Mr love. Mr Lo as to his economic power, offered to drive him to a car, own vehicle through grant legal, should be protected by law. The Court found that the vehicle registration when Mr Yu Xiao name, Mr and Ms Shaw was in a relationship, Mr and Ms Shaw have a Romanian child. AAfter months, neither registered. Therefore, its purchase of car registration, Yu Xiao Luo name, in a certain sense the vehicle with "gifts" in nature.   After the sentencing, Mr Lo appealed, has filed an appeal. () Others:

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