Friday, April 20, 2012

tera gold increasingly sophisticated financial infrastructure - KWO

129784668147085000_203IMF report warning the Bank of China will face credit risk The International Monetary Fund (IMF) report warning a few days ago, is China's banking sector within a certain period of the credit crisis facing one of the most important risks. IMF recently published on Chinese financial supervision and infrastructure and the World Bank comprehensive assessment report series, affirmed China's financial system to better comply with the international standards and norms of today's financial sector, pointing out that China's financial industryIn recent years in a supervisory capacity, regulatory systems, transparency and clear consumer protection, regulatory effectiveness has improved significantly, while defensive potential, strengthening financial risk risk management capacity-building, the establishment of more forward-looking areas such as risk assessment system to focus on. IMF: to prepare to meet the challenges "in the past few years, China Banking Regulatory Commission forward-looking leadershipOf the banking sector and the country as a whole supports, its banking system have made impressive progress. "The IMF in the compliance with the Basel core principles for effective banking supervision report points out that, under the regulatory requirements of high-quality capital and liquidity support, China's banking sector achieved remarkable results in the risk measurement and management, but with further open, and financial innovationState Bank expansion, complexity and financial risk also increases, regulator and banking institutions must quickly adapt to and prepare to meet the challenges in the short term. IMF report on the China Banking Regulatory Commission will actively and effectively in the work of the reform process, on the Bank's core capital, risk management and other aspects of regulatory requirements, and that on the right direction to continue efforts and GovernmentFull support of parties and institutions. However, the IMF also pointed out that China "has not been to new risks in the banking sector regulation, risk measurement and management system for pressure testing", and warning is China's banking sector within a certain period of the credit crisis facing one of the most important risks. Banks, policy makers and a significant portion of the CBRC officials had concerns over bad loan problems have a strong, Review in the late mid 90 mass grave of the country's banking sector there have been bad, this is very easy to understand. But ahead of this control is not easy, although senior China Banking Regulatory Commission and the necessity of understanding credit adjustments in advance some banks, but think ahead of the controlled assessment have not yet fully formed in the regulator. In other reports, the IMF said,China in the China insurance regulatory Commission under the close supervision of the insurance industry, basic implementation subject to appropriate management; for rapid growth in the past five years, and experienced great volatility of China stock market, the Commission implemented a series of important reform measures to adapt to these changes, while China's payment and securities settlement systems, increasingly sophisticated financial infrastructure, better compliance with the relevant international standards and, And so on. In addition, IMF China's 17 largest commercial bank stress tests also showed that most of the impact of the Bank of China has the ability to resist alone, including the sharp deterioration in asset quality as the real estate market adjustments, yield curve movements and exchange rate changes. People: find lack of deepening the reform of IMF report was released, people's Bank of China releasedStatement said China remained committed to promoting financial sector reforms tera gold, and reform to promote development and stability in the financial sector. Since 2003, has promoted and finish the financial restructuring of major financial institutions, the introduction of strategic investors, publicly traded major financial reform, a series of landmark. With the deepening of reform, financial indicators of large financial institutionsSpecification for continuous improvement, governance, constantly rising significantly, risk management. In this process, China's financial sector and the degree of implementation of the relevant international standards of the financial markets have been rising. "Emerging" and "transition" double background, the development of China's financial system have made great strides, significant enhanced stability of the financial system, against the impact of the international financial crisis. ForAssessment report, the Central Bank said, subject to the analysis framework and resource constraints and other reasons, assessment reports that there are individual failed to adequately understand stages and characteristics of China's economic development, but on the whole, evaluation of many of the recommendations made in the report on the improvement of China's financial system is of great reference value. Central Bank said would like to deepen cooperation with international financial organizations and on the basisFlow and actively draw on the useful proposals in the report, seriously find inadequate, continues to promote the deepening of Chinese financial industry reform, improving the financial stability and crisis management framework, strengthen financial supervision efficiency, further improving the financial infrastructure, improving the level of financial services, support the steady and healthy development of the national economy. First announced by the IMF assessment of the series of Chinese financial industry reportIMF and the World Bank for Chinese "financial sector assessment program" (FSAP) one, five in total, including the compliance with the Basel core principles for effective banking supervision and the international organization of securities commissions (IOSCO) to comply with the objectives and principles of securities regulation tera power leveling, and the International Association of insurance supervision institutions (IAIS) insurance core originalThe observance of political rights, the Committee on payment and settlement systems (CPSS) compliance with the core principles for systemically important payment systems and the CPSS-IOSCO compliance with recommendations for securities settlement systems and Central rivals, mainly to China's implementation of international standards and norms in the field of finance conduct a detailed assessment of the situation. This is the first time the country's financial system to accept IMFAssessment of the financial sector assessment program. 2010, the IMF and World Bank joint assessment for the country's financial system, for the infrastructure to conduct a comprehensive assessment of financial supervision in China, and China prepare a detailed report on the implementation of the compliance with international financial standards, on November 14, 2011, announced IMF financial system stability assessment report��FSSA���� In first formal assessment published in November last year, IMF pointed out that China's overall soundness of the financial system tera power leveling, but gradually increasing vulnerability, says "Although commercialized reforms in the financial sector in China has made significant progress, monitoring has been strengthened, but the complexity of the financial system and the risk of global economic uncertainty, China needs toA step to promote reform, supporting financial stability, and to promote strong and balanced growth. " Others:

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