Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling the Dow Jones industrial average rose 131.5 points to points - WCX

129773928550000000_191Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing Twitter pioneer financial management training in the daily limit of the unit gather Forum hexun.com stock > body font size print RSSMarch 27, 2012 source: business news author: Yan Ting Yan Ting in frequently evasive after his speech, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Monday (March 26) finally mustered up the courage to market "confessions": the United States labour market is still far from normal, further improvement in the labour market may take"Easing" to support. Under the influence of Bernanke's speech, on the third round of quantitative easing in the market (QE3) expected to heat up again, dollar dive spot gold soared more than 100 points, United States three major stock indices also gained in early trading. At press time, the Dow Jones industrial average rose 131.5 points to points, p 500 advanced 13.6 points to 1410.71 points, while the NASDAQ index was up 33 points to 3100.92 points, up around 1%. ����What Bernanke said Bernanke on Monday took part in the National Association of business economics economic policy meeting of 2012, and to "the Fed's view titled" delivered a speech. Let us take a look at BernankeSay anything? Yesterday, Bernanke delivered a speech to the National Association of business economics is recognized, a wide range of indicators tera power leveling, the job market is improving, this is a welcome step forward. However, the "high level of long-term unemployment, as well as jobs and hours of work are still significantly lower than pre-crisis peak level. ���� And we are not sure, recentIf the pace of improvement in the labour market can be sustained. "Bernanke pointed out that the unemployment rate recently dropped part is reflected at the end of 2008 to 2009 normal firing large numbers of reversal, which reversed once completed, further substantial improvement in the unemployment rate might require consumer and business demand and produce more rapid expansion. "Continued easing of policy to support this process. " "Cyclical rather than structural factors, is the main reason this recession to long-term unemployment increased significantly. If the right words tera gold, then supported the easing of economic recovery will help solve this problem. "He said. Here's the "cyclical factors" mainly refers to the total lack of demand.So, this speech clearly shows "the Fed's view"--United States labour markets is far from normal, further easing (QE3) doors open. Federal Reserve show "racked their brains" following the United States best since 2006 after 6 months in the job market, interest on the meeting of Fed policymakers on March 13 on the Economic Outlook issuedMore optimistic estimates, and without reference to quantitative easing (QE). ����But unemployment remains stubbornly high, and to significant downside risk to the once again reiterated to keep interest rates near zero, at least until the end of 2014. Disillusioned with the results once the market investors more optimistic �C policy statement that many analysts are also beginning to believe, QE3 is fading away.It is this attitude toward the policies of the Federal Reserve's "misread" data upturn of the dollar exchange rate continue to rise in the near future, United States Treasury yields also climbed strongly. ����But fed officials do not wish to wait-and-see period cannot determine the sustainability of the economic recovery policies see yields to rise. Bernanke's comments on Monday finally got the Fed "racked their brains" whole �C are reluctant to explicitly promise QE3, and not to let the market lost illusions. In fact, the Fed's "number two"--the New York Fed President Dudley (William C.Dudley) had said on March 19, signs of economic improvement, does not allow high oil prices, tighter spending and weaker housing market growth, such as dispersing risks: "these developments is excitingBut so that we create a strong and sustainable recovery, or is out of danger was too early. "Dudley pointed out that since September last year the unemployment rate reduced by about 50% is" because the decline in the labour force participation rate. If the labour participation rate from 66% per cent per cent in February of 2008. ����The unemployment rate is likely to remain above 10% ". In addition, primarySouth grams will be speaking on Tuesday and Thursday, widespread Bernanke is expected to be on the United States economy improves further issued a cautious statement tera power leveling, consolidated QE3 expected. Others:

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