Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera power leveling the real benefit farmers by industrialization - HDQ

129773822075000000_25A few days ago, the State Council issued the opinion on support to leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization development.  At a press conference held on March 26, the Ministry of agriculture, Deputy Minister of agriculture Chen Xiaohua made an interpretation of the opinion. Clear strategies for the industrialization of Chen Xiaohua said that the opinion is the development of agricultural industrialization in China more than 20 years tera power leveling, first issued by the State CouncilSystem policy guidance document, marked the industrialization of agriculture in China has entered a new stage of development. At present, China has formed more than more than 1200 national agricultural industrialization key leading enterprises as the core, more than 10,000 key leading enterprises as the backbone of many provincial, more than 100,000 development pattern based on the number of small and medium enterprises. In recent years, the leading enterprise in agriculturalExhibition to bring farmers and to guarantee the supply of agricultural products, has played an important role in maintaining market stability. Currently, China is the key to promote the modernization of agriculture stage, there is an urgent need to further give play to the important role of leading enterprises. To this end, establish leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization and the opinion's strategic position in the development of modern agriculture. The opinions put forward agricultural industrializationIs the direction of development of modern agriculture, leading enterprises are an important vector of constructing modern agricultural system, promoting agricultural industrialization key.  File stressed that "support is to support agriculture, supporting leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization is to support the farmer," calls for the development of agricultural industrialization in China's agricultural and rural work overall, direction of great fundamentals. A number of support measuresPolicy highlights Shi Cheng Chen Xiaohua said, it should be noted that agricultural industrialization leading enterprise development has faced a lot of difficulties and problems, mainly: the international financial crisis has not been eliminated, the world economic recovery is weak, leading enterprises in opening up the international market is facing new challenges; domestic factor cost rose significantly, production operating pressure increased; leading enterprises are generally smaller and powerWeak, lack of innovation and market competition ability; financing, heavy burdens and other problems are still outstanding. In this regard, explicitly put forward the opinions, supporting the development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprise 7 21 policy measures tera gold, including construction, processing and circulation of agricultural products production base, technical innovation, benefit coupling mechanism and open up international markets such as the key link, covers finance, taxResumption, finance, trade, and other fields. Chen Xiaohua said, which has a lot of bright spots, mainly in the 10 areas, including support for the leading enterprises of the production base and infrastructure, supporting leading enterprises drive the primary processing of agricultural products from farmers and cooperatives development habitats, supporting leading enterprises bigger and stronger, supporting leading enterprises developing modern logistics support leading enterprise qualityWeight management and brand, supporting leading enterprises to strengthen personnel training and support leading enterprise technology innovation, supporting leading enterprises shouchu important agricultural products business, efforts to increase financial support to leading enterprises, supporting leading enterprises to establish risk fund. Benefit coupling mechanism of perfection and farmer Chen Xiaohua said, better employment and income of peasants is the development of agricultural industrializationOne of the leading enterprises of the purpose.  Establish and perfect the leading enterprises and farmers benefit coupling mechanism, the real benefit farmers by industrialization, is the core of agricultural industrialization management and basic requirements. Coupling mechanism for cooperatives, stressed the opinion, to accelerate the development of agriculture in order, purchase and sale of leading enterprises and farmers to form stable relationships; guide leading enterprisesSample or lingban professional cooperation organizations, peasant cooperatives set up enterprises, achieving fusion of leading enterprises and farmers ' cooperatives depth; farmers active in supporting leading enterprises to base supply of agricultural materials, technical guidance and other kinds of services; encouraging the return of share dividends, profits of leading enterprises and other forms, be partial benefits none other to farmers. Background link at present,All types of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises have 110,000, sales revenues exceeded $ 5.7 trillion, nearly 30 million people in China, effectively raising the level of agricultural industrialization and promoting the construction of modern agriculture. According to statistics, the leading enterprises of agricultural products and processed products accounted for one-third of the supply of agricultural products market, a major city "shopping basket" products supply volume threeBis above, more than 80% of chuanghuie the country's exports of agricultural products for export. Top leading enterprises, pay attention to the promotion of research and development, have become important for accelerating the progress of agricultural science and technology innovation and carrier. According to statistics, there are more than more than 3,000 agricultural industrialization leading enterprises to establish a provincial research and Development Centre tera gold, near 90% national key leading enterprises to establish a research and development institution, research results obtainedAbove award of science and technology enterprises accounted for more than 60%. Build mechanism in agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, heavy service, has become an important force of peasants increasing employment. Others:

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