Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera power leveling And third - SOG

129773928471875000_75Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of weekly comments > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: financial weekly author: Shi Jingquan/Shi Jingquan parts of JapanEnterprise will require a highly sophisticated technology to production moved to the United States, needs to end technology moved to China in Taiwan needed low-end technology moves to the Mainland of China, Malaysia.   In recent months, global manufacturing industry get better, because with this Japan company or order out of irritation. Money Magazine: a-shares also fell on the Mainland in recent days, a-shares has risen up? AuthorThink not finished rising, this year because China's economy does not depend.   Why is that? June Ma, take a look at Deutsche Bank Chief Economist recently published the survey, in the view of China: "we will be in 2012 forecast China's economic growth rate increased from 8.3% to 8.6%, is mainly based on the more optimistic than previously expected by three factors: first, the Deutsche Bank global economic analysisDivision increased the United States, and Japan in 2012 the expected growth rate, while export orders index rose in the PMI index, tempt us to 2012, China's export growth forecasts from 8% to 13%, second 70% per cent of industrial employment in small enterprises operating conditions have improved, PMI index of small enterprises in February reached a high of 55.2, And third, the impact on China's economy cooling of the real estate industry is not as we expected and the market is feeling so badly, from August to December last year residential new construction a 55% per cent fall in the growth rate of the area, but the impact on GDP growth for the whole year could not find 1%. "Optimism raised by the above threeIn effect, the second bullish factor is the first change to, and a third factor relates to national policy, we can't control, so I want to talk about is the first positive factors. Why the United States and Japan's economic growth is expected to be promoted?   It is divided into two parts. First of all, can be expected to be bad factors, such as the United States subprime mortgageDemolition tera gold, United States financial crisis, European debt crisis, China's macro-control and so on.   All these bad factors making investors are basically narrating is indifferent to all possible good news, but once the positive factors appear, will certainly have a positive impact on Europe and the global economy. Second, is a positive factor that is not expected from Japan last year "3?11"The earthquake caused by the" nuclear crisis "brings. Most people speak "3?11" a tsunami, but the author is recognized as "nuclear crises". Tsunami alone, you will like the 1995 great Hanshin earthquake, can be rebuilt within a few months, will lead to global manufacturing, since the renewal order. Japan Enterprise thought to resume work fully in September last year, but this time "3?11 "the earthquake had a nuclear crisis, all of Fukushima nuclear radiation effects were underestimated. Not only rebuild the dateless (renewal order is not) and, more importantly, was in May of this year Japan to close all nuclear plants, which would make Japan 10%, 20 short of the power supply. Modern manufacturing, no electricity and no production. In Japan enterprises recognized here after keep, and touchShang Thailand floods erupted in November last year, making Japan businesses must consider security problems. Happened to United States and enterprises for the creation of jobs with benefits, as well as the United States wages are lowered (new General Motors workers in older General Motors workers wage cut in half), and based on some future considerations, and parts of Japan enterprises move out again,Production requires highly sophisticated science and technology moves to the United States, you need to move-end technology to China, Taiwan needed low-end technology moved to the Mainland of China tera power leveling, Malaysia.   In recent months, global manufacturing industry get better, because with this Japan company or order out of irritation. Japan is bad "3?11" nuclear crisis, many people light, but the world is to develop, You are one person, not a, a State of disaster and stop.   As a citizen of the world, also affected by global economic flow of market investors in mainland China or Hong Kong, on the good and the bad of causal change must concern. Someone asked this to Japan "3?11" take back the nuclear crisis of economic good times how long you can last? AuthorEstimate that anywhere from one to two years to more than 35 years. These changes can be seen clearly when you are not at the end of last year. Therefore, many for analysis at the beginning of the year (based on the circumstances at the end of last year), would have been out of place at the beginning of this year, to be "pretty". Understand this crucial point after changes, other changes in the economic environment can be speculatedIs up.   Over the years I have on the stock market this year looks promising now and one more reason. More access to money weekly article tera power leveling, please log in first financial network (www. If you need to reprint, please contact 021-64829031 and first financial network, unauthorized use of Others:

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