Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling banks under liquidity pressure increases - ERI

129765260877187500_25Shang Fulin: liquidity risk regulation in due course introduction China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin, a few days ago in the qiushi magazine published a signed article of the strict supervision of the bottom line. Article has disclosed for the first time the banking industry "amidst" connotation. At the same time, he revealed the CBRC study on capital management of differentiated regulatory system, promotion of Bank and establish a stable, high quality, diversified capital replenishment mechanisms, as well as more effective liquidity risk managementSystem, deepen the liquidity coverage (LCR) and net stable funding ratio (NSFR) understanding and application of those new regulatory objectives. "Amidst" close to banking stable "amidst" is determined by the Central General keynote for this year's economic work. Connection with the reality of banking, Shang Fulin tera power leveling, explained in detail for the first time the banking industry "amidst" principle. BankSupervision to achieve "stability", that is, risks to keep the bottom line, run banking sector stability, safeguarding financial stability. Banking supervision to achieve the "into" is to unswervingly promote the deepening banking reform and opening up, raise the level of financial services, further promoting our own regulatory capacity-building. Article notes that, under the influence of domestic and international macro-environment, and local government financingAnd the real estate exposure of banks in the field of credit risk, liquidity risk, risk prevention and control situation is not optimistic about the case. Present a clear view of the difficulties and challenges faced by, keep firm confidence, grasp the internal and external conditions conducive to strengthening risk assessment, make early preparation plans, take timely measures, and effectively improve the capacity to respond. According to article, made in accordance with national financial work ConferenceUpholding the spirit of actively resolve risk prevention, the CBRC continued to maintain the continuity and stability of regulatory policy, to prevent focus areas, key industry exposure, run the banking sector remains robust. Liquidity risk regulation introduced in due time article noted that, since the beginning of 2011, banks under liquidity pressure increases, liquidity risk management difficultyIncreased, in part out of banks ' liquidity risk management: a prospective. Current regulator are according to international supervisory standards, development of new liquidity risk regulation, at the same time urging the banks liquidity of sound scientific evaluation system, strict implementation of lending targets a day checking requirements. At the same time, strengthen the management of sources of finance stability, improve liquidity management policy, process, and technologySupport and information system, to improve liquidity risk management. Articles, combined with China's national conditions, the CBRC will steadily implement new standards of international regulation, commercial bank capital and liquidity risk regulation introduced in due course. Net liquidity coverage and stable funding ratio was not mentioned for the first time. In 2011, the Banking Regulatory Commission published on China's banking sector to implement the new regulatory standardsGuidance, expressly requires banks to LCR shall not be less than 100%. Insiders pointed out that the monitoring indicators can compress large banks in short-term debt and long-term equity arbitrage between spaces, contribute back to traditional business model of commercial banks. Net index is mainly to prevent banks from stable funding ratio during the prosperous and abundant liquidity in the market reliance wholesaleFinancing, and encourages it to table more fully assess the liquidity risk of the assets both inside and outside. Shang Fulin said against credit risk, and operational risk, non-normality, instability in the financial sector, unlawful regulations are on the rise. For the maintenance of normal financial order, the CBRC for case prevention, Bank cooperation, a number of regulatory measures, such as financial services, and enhanced loanProcess management, ensuring real support for the real economy development of credit funds. He said the next stage tera power leveling, the CBRC continued pressure of case prevention, prevention of operational risk code for bank financing business development, preventing off-balance sheet business and banking business risk. At the same time, continued to play well specification for disposal of illegal fund-raising and lead departments responsibilities for financing guarantee, combined with localGovernment to strengthen and straighten, crack down on illegal and criminal acts such as illegal fund-raising, properly dispose of funding strand the risk events in a timely manner, safeguarding financial stability. Article also pointed out that credit risk is a major risk to current banking. This year China Banking Regulatory Commission will continue to strengthen the focal area of banking institutions, and credit risks in key industry investigation, timely take proper countermeasures; Prospective potential credit risk management, improve loan classification management, full implementation of the regulatory requirements of the credit management; risk management tools such as active use of stress tests, has continued to improve credit risk management capabilities. Meanwhile tera gold, the CBRC will strengthen the credit risk and early warning in various ways and continuously push forward the construction of information system for risk monitoring, and strive to achieve early detection, early intervention, Early treatment. Others:

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