Tuesday, April 3, 2012

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"); return false; } else { var url = '/report/' s1 '.html'; window.open(url); } }Www.eastmoney.com March 26, 2012 Chase securities Zhao Yanhui 1. basic metals markets on March 23, LME-Copper, aluminum, lead, zinc price of respectively diablo 3 power leveling, 1.09%, 0., 50%. 2. Gold on March 23 to the dollar, gold prices were mixed by 0.99%.����Dollar were mixed by-0.38%. 3. influence industry trends data, events, United States: on March 23, the United States Commerce Department reports that February United States new-home sales fell by 1.6%, sales data by seasonDecline in adjusted to 313,000, market average February new home sales will be 330,000 households, new home sales in January were revised down to 318,000. Industry and company news: on March 23, in order to strengthen the national implementation of total quantity control of mineral mining index management, maintain indexes of seriousness, for superior mineral resources to strengthen protection againstOverexploitation, land Ministry launched a few days ago the total amount of interim measures for the control of mineral mining index management. The approach identified the five regard specific regulatory requirements: after splitting the total quantity control of a mining index, by the seat of its county-level land and resources department in charge of mining enterprises signed responsibility, specific rights, obligations and liability. Second is strictly periodical reporting system. MiningTotal quantity control system of indicators implemented quarterly statistics on implementation. Third, strengthening supervision on the comprehensive utilization of indicators. Total amount control of mining ore and other minerals associated, be included in the total amount control of mining index management, not more targets. Main mining species national shortage of minerals, approved by the provincial land and resources department in charge, Super Cap index-mining, reserves, shall not beSale. Four is to strengthen control of enterprise implementation of internal control. Five provincial and city and County Bureau of land and resources of the Office to strengthen indicators monitoring on ultra index of production mining enterprises, mining Cap indices of deduction that year or the next year, and accountability for breach of mining enterprises. On ultra index-mining province of serious (district, municipal) order for rectification, rectification is not eligible tera gold, deductions next yearIndicators of total quantity control of mining, suspended mining mineral mining rights, distribution of Super indexes. Lower-than-expected us data, base metals remained high, was 22nd May is a correction of the trend, China HSBC PMI to be below market expectations led to 22nd base metals lower, while a lower dollar helps to base metals higher. Chinese minerals mined in the perfection of the system of total control, ifVictory implementation, positive impact on the industry as a whole. 4. investment strategy considering factors that affect industry trends, we believe that metal materials, metal investment opportunity clearly, investments are at greater risk of base metals, base metal prices trend down chances are small, consider basic investment opportunities for epitaxial growth of metal IMaintain industry rating for "overweight".����Key continued to focus on rare earth industry investment opportunities, focusing on stocks as Zhong Ke San Huan, Ningbo yunsheng, Xiamen tungsten industry, investment experience is concerned, the gem zhenghai magnetic material. 5. investment risk base metal prices lower than expected; new energy policies of States are continuous; new energy vehicles production time of uncertainty; knotStructure adjustment of lower-than-expected pace. Units are involved in the non-ferrous metals research reports more title rating category rating changes report date name of Chase securities holdings of base metals rally to maintain 2012-03-26 China capital advantageShenyin wanguo sources highlighting the growing non-free 2012-03-26 United States holdings of new-home sales data than expected to benefit gold prices maintained defending both 2012-03-25 Everbright securities short gold, long material can maintain the growth 2012-03-24 guangfa securities holdings of base metals fell for 2012-03-23 Chase stock click on the view all >> non-ferrous metals hot stocks rating list of nonferrous metal stocks forecast profit in next 3 years non-ferrous metal stocks financial index ranking of net earnings per share net asset per shareMain business income capital gains rate growth of net profit growth per share profit not distributed in main business income net cash flow from operating activities per share profit sales margin top industry tracking function copyToClipBoard () {var clipBoardContent=""; clipBoardContent =location.href; window.clipboardData.setData("Text",clipBoardContent); alert("Successfully copied, paste to recommend to your friends on your QQ/MSN "); } Solemnly declare: dongfangcaifuwang publish this information aims to disseminate more information, position has nothing to do with this website. 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