Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold fiscal policy could be a major regulatory tool. Helen Qiao - VAZ

129770904434843750_208Despite the latest HSBC China PMI data issued a weak signal, but many international big Bank continues to believe that China's economy is still in a soft landing into the orbit of, some people worry that "hard landing" does not appear. In addition, a preview of the HSBC data alone to conclude tera gold, there is too much to create the appearance of arbitrary, the industry generally will be released in about a week after the official PMI data are more optimisticExpected. HSBC believe that, although the data showed China's manufacturing sector cooling is likely to continue for some time, but according to the present the PMI data, around 8% this year, China's GDP growth is still expected. "Further easing of monetary policy, coupled with the recovery of export tax rebates, and more fiscal measures to promote growth, should be able to ensure that China's economy for a soft landing。  "HSBC reported.  Jiasiweite, global equity strategist at Credit Suisse said at a press conference on Thursday, China would further ease monetary policy, China's economy to achieve the target growth rate of 8%. Chi Hung Chan's latest report said an economist at Moody's analytics, once the economic downward trend continues in China, the Central Bank may cut deposit rates and interest rates. ButThe Agency believes that, despite the Central Bank policy space to prevent a hard landing tera gold, but the degree of monetary easing will be issued over the years, a large number of new loans and limited.  If the situation deteriorated, fiscal policy could be a major regulatory tool. Helen Qiao, Chief China Economist for Morgan Stanley recently pointed out that the first two months of this year, China new loans seems to be lowBut according to Morgan Stanley research, this is not the result of insufficient demand tera power leveling, and more are due to structural problems. In fact, the strong corporate demand for funds.  Morgan Stanley expects new lending this year to more than $ 8 trillion, the next one or two months should see significant progress in terms of bank credit. The Royal Bank of Scotland were of the view that indicators of demand and bank loansView, track of China's economy is in a soft landing, rather than violent decline. "In fact, China's imports of raw material is very strong in recent months, may indicate speeding up the construction of affordable housing-led recovery in industrial demand. "Customs this week released the latest data show that China in February on the main metals, agricultural products, as well as strong growth in imports of crude oil. February imports of refined copperVolume reached 375,831 tons, representing a growth of more than 1 time, starting with the record monthly import volume of third level, in January growth; and in February China's imports of crude oil hit a record high, imported 23.64 million tons of crude oil, equivalent to 5.98 million barrels of imported crude oil a day. Economist at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch cautioned that investors should not sinkPMI data too much to worry about, because this is a collection of key data for SMEs, which are relatively large exports exposure and access to bank credit is difficult to large enterprises. "The latest data prompted some analysts claim by the seller, the Chinese economy is a hard landing. But we do not agree with this view. "Bank of America analystCustomer wrote in the report, "we continue to firmly maintain the 8.6% of China's GDP growth is expected this year. "Analysts believe that the official PMI data signal is clearly different from the HSBC PMI report issued. From the February, 51 is the official published PMI data, not only rose for the third month in a row, hit a high since September last year. NextOfficial Chinese Manufacturing PMI report scheduled to be released April 1. In fact, many analysts have recently raised their forecasts of economic growth in China. More consistent view of the industry is that cool the economy in the first quarter is likely to be a bout of China at the bottom. Others:

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