Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera power leveling food prices-0.4% - OOQ

129784668201303750_342Guotai Junan: economic recovery is far from bullish on risk assets Guotai Junan Institute recently published research report pointed out that food prices leading the food prices fall again, per cent from the March of Commerce, Statistics Bureau, Ministry of agriculture, food prices-0.4%, and 1% tera gold, respectively; capital goods prices rebound tera power leveling, per cent from the March of Commerce port of means of production and the futures price rose and 0.5%. March CPI is expected to 3.3%, PPI-0.2%, while the CPI compared to rebound, but the falling trend of inflation unchanged. Deputy Director of the national development and Reform Commission Zhang 3rd disclosed that China's GDP growth in the first quarter of about 8.4%, and Institute prediction are exactly the same. Guotai Junan think the growth in GDP in the second quarter compared to 8.2%, for this low end of economic recovery is not far. PremierIn Fujian, Guangxi research said that currency also moderate preconditioning in due time to fine tune to make sure that certain liquidity and lending. A quarter of the Central Bank's monetary policy Committee meeting stressed that the currency stable and moderate credit growth should be guided. Central Bank intended to clear credit easing, also confirmed an inquiry reported that credit easing will be gradually expanded to judge, bring liquidity credit increased to improve and contribute toThe inventory cycle. Research report pointed out that a share exchange rate has come down in the near future, and credit spreads were flat tera power leveling, and bond spreads rise again the period, while the stock market continued to fall, but overseas and domestic bond markets the VIX index shows the risk preference of repair is not reversed. While the stock markets continue to adjust, but proceeding from the fundamental, remained optimistic about the performance of risk assets. Others:

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