Saturday, April 21, 2012

tera power leveling however - EAW

129784668108022500_107All Word Bohai oil spill damages Environment Fund has so far not below Penglai Bohai Sea oilfield 19-3 oil spill incidents have almost 10 months, accident Kang Philippine oil China Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Philip Kang") announced the establishment of the compensation fund and the GEF in addition to $ 1 billion in the former was handed over to the Department of Agriculture responsible for foreign, Environment Fund has no context. "We will be released in the first quarter of 2012, Bohai Bay Environmental Fund Board membersThe list. "This is the only publicly announced timetable for ConocoPhillips, however, as at the end of the first quarter tera gold, the first paper from the parties understand that does not publish the list of members of the Committee of the GEF in the Bohai Bay. As of now, the losses suffered by fishermen and environmental impact does not receive any compensation. Said time too long, statistical estimation of the effect on the loss and moreNegative, all subsequent slow progress, the process is not transparent and unconvincing. With the slow pace of compensation contrasts are, Penglai 19-3 oil field was ready to resume production of the preparation. CNOOC said Li Fanrong last month, Chief Executive, currently the field has developed complete new ODP (overall development programme) and the EIA report, and has turned to politicsGovernment departments, pending government approval immediately after production complex. Changes in Environment Fund after the accident, ConocoPhillips has said it would set up a compensation fund and the GEF, former ConocoPhillips paid $ 1 billion had been referred to the Ministry of agriculture is responsible for distribution and dissemination, ConocoPhillips is responsible for the formation of the latter's third-party Committee composed of academic experts and environmental organizations, to supervise and instruct their operation. ReporterAt the end of March this year several times to call the ConocoPhillips advances in understanding of the Environment Fund, the other says it is still in construction, list of members of the Management Committee of the Fund has not been determined, once you have determined the information will be released to the public in a timely manner. At press time, ConocoPhillips did not reveal any new information. ConocoPhillips Company Asia Pacific, Don e. WalletTe Jr. had told this newspaper that at the end of last year, the GEF has no specific timetable, however, ConocoPhillips will be released in the first quarter of 2012 by a neutral, independent and widely respected individuals make up the membership of the Management Committee of the Fund, they will be responsible for accepting and verifying claims and ConocoPhillips for transparent management of funds, announced progress on a regular basis. Environmental baseGold exactly when to introduce rules? Informed person on this newspaper revealed that ConocoPhillips is still assessing the impact of oil spills on the environment, they insisted that two oil spill that occurred last year have little impact on the environment, this may be one reason for its delayed introduction of rules of the Environment Fund, and "Environment Fund Management Committee" could be cancelled, operation or modification of the FundVariable. "Information published by the State Oceanic Administration last year clearly showed the Bohai Bay environment under the influence of the oil spill, ConocoPhillips for environmental assessment of time delays, come to the conclusion is not necessarily comprehensive. "Public environmental research center, MA June believed that with the passage of time, were gradually diluted by contaminated water tera power leveling, but some of the effects may be persistent, ConocoPhillipsThe as soon as possible take measures to restore the environment, and the operations of the Environment Fund transparency. ConocoPhillips company disclosure of information display, two oil spill that occurred last June led to about 700 barrels (about 115 m) oil flow into the Bohai Gulf, about 2,500 barrels (about 400 m) mineral oil base mud stranded submarine. SOA has been announced, after oil spill tera power leveling, Penglai 19-3 oil field near the highest concentration reached 86.4 times times the value of the historical background, area of up to 6,200 square kilometers of marine pollution. Slow progress in oil spill in Bohai Sea Environment Fund compensation for fishermen while not below, the operation of the compensation fund also has been questioned by fishermen and lawyers. In January of this year, ConocoPhillips announced a 1 billion dollars compensation in Bohai BayTo the potential impact of fishermen, this $ 1 billion compensation from the Ministry of agriculture is responsible for the distribution and dissemination. Media reports said a few days ago, will receive more than 300 million Yuan compensation in Liaoning province, Leting, Hebei province, Changli County will also receive more than 300 million Yuan respectively, but this has not been confirmed by the Ministry of agriculture, local fishermen are not informed. On behalf of Chinese lawyers Beijing, Hebei Changli 63 fishermanAfter applying to the Ministry of agriculture information public, requires an understanding of the loss calculation basis, farmers claim approaches, procedures and material evidence and information that should be prepared. But Chinese law firm to show reporters in the reply of the Ministry of agriculture, only point out that losses were calculated on the basis of, does not answer specific questions such as the claim approach. Chinese law firm lawyer Zhang Pengfei told Ming Pao said, agriculturalAfter the Ministry did not give a clear reply, the law firm representing fishermen submitted to Beijing in the second complaint, but were told not to accept, and refused to issue a ruling inadmissible and any replies in written form. It was also learned by this newspaper, Leting, Hebei province 107 fishermen's lawyer Deputy Zhao Jingwei faced a similar situation, and many fishermen do not know how to apply for compensation, I do not know whenTo get compensation. Compensation for fishermen in progress, all heads of companies related to this newspaper that, solely responsible for the $ 1 billion compensation money was handed over to the Ministry of agriculture, is specific to consult the Ministry of agriculture. This 5th to the Executive Office of the Department of agriculture to cover letter wants to know information about compensation for fishermen, as dispatch, has not yet received a reply. Related articles: Bohai Sea overflowsOil ConocoPhillips was finalizing distribution of liability claims 204 farmers 606 million for all of long island suffered a third round of prosecution of 606 million compensation for all of $ 1 billion for fishermen claims, or not enough compensation for the first case not turning Others:

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