Friday, April 6, 2012

tera power leveling who died in August of last year. Credit Union checking accounts of Zhang Jingzh

129773438989218750_1147At present, the rural credit cooperatives in Taian County "loans" Storm Center. Reporter Liu Yiding photography Taian County Liaoning found hundreds of villagers "loans", Bank loan officers handled; loans go Eagle sword, police investigate in Taian County Liaoning province, from November last year to now, many of the villagers received the "blue" of debt, a villageEven so scared ill. Hundreds of villagers said at least, when surveyed, only know their own name is loan. "Loan" broke out, is the sudden death of one of the loan officers. Bank checking accounts, found the loan officers to maintain the $ 30 million is hutuzhang, many person has never been made before. At present in the local police are investigating. According to the survey of journalists, in Taian County,Operation on loan irregularities "loans" is not the case. While the Credit Union provides audits on loan, but strictly checks, loan officers the opportunity to become a "Devil traders". -This newspaper reporter Liu Yiding Liaoning 3 months, Dongpo Li wanted to figure out what their own name how three loans for a total of $ 90,000 to, Anshan city, Liaoning province rural credit cooperatives Union in Taian County so farDid not answer his confusion. Police also were investigating. In mid-February, Dongpo Li decided to suspend the work, "full-time" and County Association "knock dead". In Taian County, like the Dongpo Li is waiting for the reply, there are hundreds of others. Almost all villages of the xinkaihe town in the County. Beginning in November 2011 to a "loan" event, the villagers of Taian County into a "debt"Panic. "Grow on trees" loan Duda continuous foam 18 villagers called "loan", in which 4 families are couples back 30,000 Yuan Li Dongbo in Taian County purchased the House from Taian County rural credit cooperatives Union (hereinafter referred to as Tai ' an Association) of the partition by a wall of the Office building. However, in addition to being neighbors, Dongpo Li never thought she would and credit cooperativesThe intersection. On November 11, 2011, xinkai credit Han Guoguang visited Dongpo Li, Deputy Director of home zhaojiacun xinkaihe town. Only Dongpo Li's mother is at home at that time, Korea said, $ 30,000 in Dongpo Li overdue loans, need to get up. Call mother questioned Li Dongbo, why loan without his family, also let debt against the door. 2012-March 12, Dongpo Li said that when he asked Mongolia by mother, because they have no credit union loans, but the mother is unable to explain. On November 11, 2011, credit Director Zhao Changming to Taian County Association of the town of xinkaihe two tree villages, villager Wang Chenglin verification loans. Wang Chenglin said his inexplicable, but Zhao Changming provides documents onIndeed his name. Wife Zhao Shuyan husband went home loans is very angry. Subsequently she was surprised to discover that have their names on the list, as well as Wang Chenglin, who has a $ 30,000 loan. (It is understood that each farmer loan of a maximum of 30,000 dollars). "Oh my God, 60,000 Ah, ye also! "Debt coming from heaven, Zhao Shuyan anger and fear, he fell ill. “A year ago, his son married, most compact when Pakistan did not want a loan, how will the loan? "Wang Lin was at a loss. Kilometers, Duda even the pickled village, Du Changshun daughter-in-law Wang Yuqing name is also $ 30,000 of the loan. "I am the head, stepped in to loan me or my son, do not let their mum to show up. "Du Changshun said. Old bachelor in the village duNine, and also carry a $ 30,000 loan. In the eyes of the villagers, Du Jiushun is a kind of "loans" are people who don't understand. According to journalist investigation, Duda continuous foam 18 "loans", in which 4 families are couples back 30,000 yuan. Three from home, madian, Zhao, Wang Zhuang, many villages had a similar situation. On November 17, 2011 tera power leveling, the Dongpo Li xinkaiheUsed to recover. He met a lot of people and he had the same experience. Receive them, went to the home of Korea. From Korea light we know, these loans are loan officers Zhang Jingzhi maintained. "Zhang Jingzhi 's? "Dongpo Li and a number of villagers, had never heard the name of Zhang Jingzhi. Zhang Jingzhi, aged 53, was of xinkai River Credit Union loan officers. His letterLoans for more than 20 years, until last year abruptly died. Hutuzhang loan officers left Zhang Jingzhi loan officers died sudden death, "loan" for secret exposure. His hometown, half the village was discovered "loan," "everyone leave your post, there will be a transition, to maintain checking accounts. "Taian County Federation of credit Vice Chairman Chai Yaqiang said. One day in July last year, Zhang JingzhiRide a motorcycle in motion, sudden heart attacks fall down, who died in August of last year. Credit Union checking accounts of Zhang Jingzhi, found his handling of more than 30 million Yuan loan is hutuzhang. "How loan people claimed to have never made before. "Zhang Jingzhi's home, in xinkai River town of wasteland. After the death of Zhang Jingzhi, wasteland near the village of half a village the villagers found their name on the loan, as theEvents of the "disastrous". Although Zhang Jingzhi from the village for many years, living in Taian County, in wastelands village also has a lot of the villagers to know Zhang Jingzhi. "53, a year younger than me. "Introduction to a villager, Zhang Jingzhi's father of the year. A river town of xinkaihe split, wilderness village is located in the East of the area is Zhang Jingzhi responsible credit area. Now, in theWilderness village "loans" topic of a household name. On March 12, the reporter at random on the street asked the villagers, everyone can tell near the "loan" name. The police investigation, the surprised villagers Li Changbin, including himself, his wife, daughter and brother at home and so a total of 6 people, in my name on the loan of $ 30,000 per person for a total of $ 180,000. Wasteland has several very small villageChildren of "loans". Li Changbin said neighbor 77 year old Zhang Xu and even no Office ID card, name on the loan of $ 30,000. "Half of the people in our village name on the loan, heard on more than 8 million in our village. "A villager said. Wasteland has more than 2000 people, a personal 80% loan, called one-third, became a "loan".Chai Yaqiang confirmed that wasteland village involving more, but the total is not more than 8 million, was less than $ 3 million. "If they are not loan officers have died, loans for things we may never know. "On March 12, the Dongpo Li said. Chai Yaqiang said County Association cannot be identified, after the public security department to ask for help, Taian County Public Security Bureau economic investigation team investigate. More "loans"Also found Li Dongbo found himself in another town" loans ", Taian County Federation of a staff member admitted that their actions as police investigate, knowing" loans "increasing numbers of villagers, a villager said could involve thousands of people. Zhang Jingzhi's legacy, also spell trouble for credit unions. Han Guoguang said when in front of the villagers, credit unions are runTroubleshooting, ran full legs with mud. "Loan" Dongpo Li, Wang Chenglin, who located the Zhao family, Duda and even foam is responsible for the area of the village was not Zhang Jingzhi, but Korea is responsible for. Han Guoguang said problem loans of the region covered, Attn Zhang Jingzhi. On November 22, 2011, Dongpo Li at the people's Bank of China Taian County Branch of the checking personal credit reports, andA loan. Reports show that on January 15, 2007, he had a loan of $ 30,000, although has been repaid, but because of those who created a bad record. Handling of the loan not xinkaihe credit cooperatives, but in huangshatuo credit cooperatives. Lender's identity information is Li Dongbo. But household registration this is the town of xinkaihe Dongpo Li zhaojiacun 04 group, were changed to yellow sand any fiveGroup. "To use my loans in the name of, changed my address was at pains. "Dongpo Li said. He again to Taian County Federation to investigate personal loan records. Once again finds a pen name on the loan, loan time is March 15, 2010, the loan has been repaid on time. In this way, Dongpo Li find she had three times the "loan", January 15, 2007 (leftBad records), on March 15, 2010, September 21, 2010 (the outbreak of the "loan" event found). Dongpo Li said that for several years the "loan" made him very angry. With a personal credit report, he found in huangshatuo credit cooperatives. Reply is obtained, for too long could not find source material, do not know who the loan, who is guaranteed. Later, Taian CountyDongpo Li Yang Baoqing Branch staff actively found social risk, recognition of huangshatuo loans is his actions. Willing to pay some money, Dongpo Li "not to grab and hold". On March 13, 2012, Chai Yaqiang said huangshatuo survey of credit unions has, loan introducers is Yang Baoqing, Yang has been demerit. But who was at that time operating loans, loans toAnyone, Chai Yaqiang did not provide an answer. On March 19, the Adventist police informed the Dongpo Li said during the investigation, Yang Baoqing claiming to have found it in the street Dongpo Li photocopies. Dongpo Li outside Taian County town rich villagers said Yang Guangyu, was in February this year, when he buy a House loan in Shenyang, he found himself with bad credit records. Records show that he had a wealthy family creditRecords of loans and overdue. Yang Guangyu claim they did not credit, he found the taian County Federation of credit, eliminates this record. Take ID card loans "not acquaintances, eligible loan out, familiar, does not meet nor can lend out. "One villager said that loans in loan lenders do not knowingly lent, where does the money go,Taian is still under investigation by the police. Local villagers say, lend me a ID card on loan, that locals are aware of "secret". "How to say, no loan is not easy. "Wasteland villager Li Changbin find Zhang Jingzhi loan in 2009, although" buy packets of cigarettes do you mean mean ", but a person's identity card can only be made in $ 10,000 he borrowed several identitiesCard only took out $ 30,000, one-year loans have been repaid on time. The first half of 2011, he found Zhang Jingzhi loans, but wait until June, loan or not. "Unexpectedly in August, he was dead. Would have been less likely to lend the money. "March 13 tera power leveling, 2012 Li Changbin said. Li Changbin said OK 2011 no credit unions receive loans. This "loan"Spread to Li Changbin's wife, daughter, brother and other relatives are Li Changbin loan borrowing had been the identity of people. Li Changbin speculated that the copy of ID card and other materials, are retained in the Credit Union may "loan". Dongpo Li and Li Hongxi ID cards have been others. A year ago, they had borrowed friends Li Shaoli Dongpo Li and Li Hongxi ID card, Xinkai River Credit Union loan before you. A year later, Li Shaoli said: there is no loan to loan tera gold, Dongpo Li and Li Hongxi said: there is a $ 30,000 loan. "I myself would like to loan, do not give credits, knew they secretly giving loans. "Li Shaoli feel sorry friend, he followed the Dongpo Li and Li Hongxi through credit checking. "We have not signed, to whom? "November 17, 2011 Li Dongbo secretly recorded a video display, Han Guoguang at the reception" loan "when a villager, said a small number of" loan "is" normal ". Han Guoguang said, many of them friends and relatives, do not have to sign the General loan. "Not acquaintances, eligible loan out, familiar, does not meet nor can lend out. "One loanVillagers said, without looking at the relationship between conditions of loans. Process null and void in accordance with the regulations, loans with multiple reviews and party scene several times. In this incident, Deputy Director Chai Yaqiang introduction programs exist in Taian County Federation of credit, cooperatives have 13 branches and 5 savings bank, a total of more than 50 participants, including loan officers, currently Taian County Federation of total lending of more than 1.1 billion yuan. According to woodIntroduction to Asia strongly, from loan application to the survey of loan, loan approval, loan review, signing contracts, checks, loan after loan origination, loan recovery, a complete set of supervisory systems and procedures. First survey of loan officers to lenders, auditing is no bad loans and lenders must be present, to learn more about loan applications, loan files and finishing materials. Zhihou,Credit review archives Deputy Director eligibility. Authenticity and then Director of the credit on the records review signature, also requires the lender and the guarantor to verify signatures. After then, sign a contract before they can enter loan approvals, link. Finally, when the loan origination business window to authenticate the information, also requires the lender and guarantor personally signed. "NoStrict implementation of the program is a violation of. "Chai Yaqiang, Liaoning province rural credit professional code of conduct" plan is not allowed ", including alone practice fraud, are not allowed to handle matters such as age signed on behalf of his clients. Xinkai credit officer Li Ping has said in front of the villagers, he is only verifiable records are complete, review loan officers themselves intoLine. Chai Yaqiang says, the xinkai River Credit Union loan, do not go before the program, involving irregularities. He said County Association are independent legal entities, independent management and losses, is also a victim of illegal loans. Illegal loans to credit unions pose considerable risk. Asked of Union County when the bad loan ratio, Chai Yaqiang called is not clear. At present, the xinkaihe creditSocial credit officer Li Ping has been suspended, and other personnel involved was under police investigation. Regulators "embarrassing," said a staff of rural credit cooperatives in Liaoning province, was another independent oversight by an independent legal body corporate, location awkward now, Taian County Union and when the police investigation, the question one must ask is: do you lend? Did you take out ID cards? In their view, and credit cooperative funds between or identity card had been stolen, may be a "loan" prerequisite. However, there are many "loan," said Zhang Jingzhi had never met, never put ID card loan. Two trees villager Wang Chenglin said in 2008 after a completed ID card back has been on account with a "no sub take in and give out". The villagersBefore personal information is concerned. Police investigation, makes each villager involved in a signature on a blank sheet of 20 times to make handwriting. Many villagers afraid to check. "Technology so advanced now, in case of unauthorized use of my signature, I became really loans. "Integrated media report, rural credit cooperative" loan "events appear more than once. Shandong, Shanxi,Hebei, Henan, and Shaanxi Province have had similar situations. It is reported that in some places, or using small loans, borrower's identity card, residence registration to handle things, often occur. In 2004, the forward, people's Bank by the General Office of China Banking Regulatory Commission on clarifying guidance on the duty of supervision and management of rural credit cooperatives Division, people's Governments at the provincial level, provincial credit cooperative, the CBRC andIts agencies, Bank of China have guidance on Credit Union regulatory responsibilities. In accordance with the provisions, provincial credit cooperative to guide and supervise credit unions improve the internal control system and operating mechanism primarily responsible. On March 14, the Liaoning province rural credit association a staff member said that provincial association is an independent corporate body, Tai ' an association is also an independent legal personality of the following management institutions, an independent legalAnother independent body corporate management and supervision, institutional embarrassment. Loans are "replace the beams with rotten timbers"? Villagers said, did not see Zhang Jingzhi how luxury of life. Villagers speculated that Zhang Jingzhi might steal information on loans, Taian County Federation of credit money to someone else, Deputy Director of Chai Yaqiang says, "loans", "pass off fish eyes for pearls" people, "some investigations have admitted that he hadAs a loan ". He said that Zhang Jingzhi operate in more than 30 million of loans, 17 million had found the lender, the rest is under investigation. Number of loans and the amount involved in controversial, Chai Yaqiang called is not clear. Taian said the case is under investigation by the police, not to disclose. In mid-February, Taian County Public Security Bureau Economic Investigation Brigade had revealed to Dongpo Li, cases involving numberOnly about 200 people's handwriting, there are seven hundred or eight hundred people's handwriting did not collect. It is understood that the Credit Union responsible for regional differences, different lending mandates are set for each loan officers. This is confirmed by the strong Chai Ya, but he said the breaches and the reward and punishment system doesn't matter. Flows of loans, said Chai Yaqiang also public security investigation, without their knowledge.Many villagers suspect loans may be used for "loan sharks" or "pockets". However, the wasteland villagers say, never saw Zhang Jingzhi how luxury of life. Some villagers also speculated that Zhang Jingzhi may "replace the beams with rotten timbers", stealing information loan, gave the money to the people. Chai Yaqiang said according to his information obtained from the public security Department, the Credit Union will not have too much to lose. But he never saidSpecific reasons. On March 25, the Dongpo Li calling says, in his home city of zhaojiacun and the villagers accept police investigation learned that he was a loan, which means that the dispute involved also in the increase in the number of loans. Taian County Association to "loan" villagers commitments, must be clear to a "story". Dongpo Li called the process of trying to figure out the truth, he himself name "boneGrey box "to represent the determination to hold the end. (Editors: Cao Lu璠) Others:

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