Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera gold the smoke roomFog alarm has not been any reaction " - YJG

129770966848906250_405United States, Colorado, a woman showing charge explosion in in the iPhone4. Singapore "powder" in front of the Apple store queue iPhone4S sale. Report from United States Science and technology website CNET reports the morning of March 22, United States, Colorado, a 51-year old woman was a "Zi Zi" noise noiseWake up, my iPhone4 is a smoke, there is also a small explosion, she soon threw his cell phone in the toilet water. This is United States iPhone spontaneous events for the first time in the territory. Apple iPhone4 to replace her original model mobile phone, but have not yet been any response to this. Text: tired from the head and only 30 per centAbout 6:30 A.M. Komemoto Wednesday, United States tera power leveling, Colorado, a woman traveling on the East Coast, sleeping when I heard a Zi Zi noise in the room and out of the smoke. The Lady said, iPhone 4 is not of her she woke up through the alarm, but through a smoke and Zi Zi of the sound. The woman said: "I am used to the iPhone mobile phoneBedside charging, charging cell phones from my head is 12~14 inches (30 cm), full of burning plastic smell in the room, also in Zi Zi can hear the explosions of the small but very clear, then the phone's casing had split ". "I was scared, now looking for something to throw to wrap it up in toilet water, but in the process, the smoke roomFog alarm has not been any reaction ", the lady went on to say. Later, she called the electrician check room line tera gold, also did not find any problems. Apple does not make its official response to the Colorado woman called the blast a message to Mashable's website (one of the most visited blog sites in the world), she claimed to have the matter put the AppleFruit company, but Apple's official language put me, and does not assume responsibility for the accident, but also refused to explain to the user about it. Who spoke on condition of anonymity said, "they gave me a classic enterprise, and I also know and understand that. However, everyone knows that this is the most important thing to me. " She also said, I hope AppleCompanies can make better prevention measures, issued a security warning to every user, so that users know that the explosion occurred when the iPhone is in charge. But the company has yet to make its official response on this matter. In addition, this also requires the company to replace with latest iPhone4s explosion iPhone4, but Apple says replaceOriginal models. Bottleneck charges, according to the Xinhua News Agency in the next-generation iPad-United States new generation Apple iPad released a few days more than 3 million units sold worldwide. However, some consumers found that high speed 4G high cost, the new iPad makes one feel "affordable, not". Broken down according to the online way, Apple is now offering next-generation IPad has two versions: connecting to the Internet through the WiFi signal, or via a 4G network connection to the Internet. Which configurations a higher and more expensive, allows consumers in the absence of WiFi signal outdoor viewing high-definition entertainment. Wisconsin public television TV shows jiali·Danni is in charge of "powder", he told reporters that he last week with the iPad on video yOutube click to view a 15-minute video, billing-7 dollars, equivalent to his monthly "packages" flow of one-third, enough to buy a small performance tickets. High fees that many consumers face a dilemma of the new iPad or paid more money, or restraint in using the latest features of the impulse. This predicament highlights mobile innovation and communicationGap between the bearing capacity of the operators behind. United States Cisco systems company recently published research report, Tablet Smartphone twice times higher average data flow; it's popularity makes wireless networks more traffic under pressure. The other hand, communication operators complained that the existing commercial wireless network band is not high enough to meet the demand for wireless traffic growth. Related links that have notIPhone explosion for the first time, after Australia and Brazil had such an accident had happened. United Kingdom media, November 25, 2011, Australia has been in preparation for landing in Sydney, the airline, air hostess found a man suddenly fidgeting in his seat, painful twisting body, also beating the clothes from time to time, at the same time in his trouser pocket or out of a large number of strongSmoke. About a month later tera gold, Brazil has also the same accident. One woman named Mota iPhone4 to bedside charging, 15 cm short of the head. Early this morning when all of a sudden found out a lot of smoke and fire, fortunately she woke up in a timely manner, did not cause injuries. (Editors: Yin Liang) Others:

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