Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling   Bank teller - PKI

129773184459843750_144Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog offers feature new product rolling credit card mortgage debit card electronic bank private bankingCar loan fund debt service fee bank deposit interest rates insurance financial products column financial loan interest rate banks blog Forum Twitter Studio hexun.com Bank > body font size print RSSMarch 26, 2012 from: China radio network author: Ma Wenjia Hong Beijing, March 26 (reporter Ma Wenjia) according to a report in the news aspect of China, recently, a number of audience for the blind to the CCTV news line 400-800-0088 reflect, their bankBusinesses often "touch the nail", a lot of them wanted to run the business is done. Although difficult to a blind person and think they know, but banks was a staff face to face service does nor solve difficult it is to a blind person?  To this end, the CCTV reporters following two conducted a survey of Beijing by people who are blind. Banking for the blind "cross" in two days time, 10 banks, two living in Beijing went to the Bank to handle the business of real-world experience for the blind, that were recorded by reporters.  Follow them to get out of a house bank, between the blind and the banks of "barrier-free services", always seems to be over some distance. Lives in Beijing's mentougou district Marvin JI suffers from congenital cataracts, eyes only light perception. Alone in BeijingWorking and living his monthly to bank deposit or withdraw money into his biggest headaches. Early this morning, I He Ji came to the industrial and commercial bank of China Beijing men-TOU Vallely Xinqiao Street savings bank, Marvin JI projects from their own time deposit money early in the 2000 block of no haste, be patient, but it is not a business. I reach under his true record of an interview with teller refused himThe scene.  Bank teller: access number?  Marvin JI: take 2000 lines.  Bank teller: signature. Marvin JI: I can't check. The eye doesn't work.  Pressing the fingerprints or I do not?  Bank teller: you don't have to go to Braille school or something?  Marvin JI: no, I will not write. Bank teller: do not write that let your guardian with you to。  When you took the money, but you also get to do.  Marvin JI: not.  Bank teller: not really.  Marvin JI: our trip was not easy.  Bank teller: no, let your guardian with you. Marvin JI was a bank staff to the outside, he said that the experience is not uncommon in the past, although heReporters "niwai" this word to describe banking services, but no he only pulls a bank to get money.   After you take the overpass of the several bus stops, and Marvin JI and journalists into the industrial and commercial bank of China Beijing mentougou Beijing Branch.  Bank: you must provide a signature Marvin JI: master tera gold, Hello, would like to get some money. Bank teller: take it。  Marvin JI: this is my regular (book) have 10,000 dollars, I want 2000 dollar will do. Bank teller: that you have to write a lot of words.  Do you write?  Marvin JI: not.  Bank teller: How did not write to you, this won't take.  Marvin JI: what should we do?  Bank teller: you write how to do it? JI: That I can you fingerprints? Industrial and commercial bank teller: I'll give you referrals.  In case you get 2000 dollars, give me away.  After a few minutes, the message of the Bank's staff let him down: you cannot use fingerprint instead of a signature, staff could not help him money to sign.  Industrial and commercial bank teller: I led you asked just now, said no. Ji XianHealth: what should we do?  Bank teller: because now had to have my signature.  Marvin JI: or that you sign your name for me, do you mind if I was next to the fingerprints?  Bank teller: I asked a moment ago, this will not work.  Marvin JI: this is because the banks do what are the requirements? Bank teller: the industrial and commercial bank is also provided, sign you must check I.Marvin JI: key I can't check. Bank teller: we lead said he couldn't do, I have no ideas.  I also must not violate system.  Marvin JI: Oh, really. Eventually, Marvin JI is not removed from this account of his 2000 money he wants. He said such encounters are also often encountered before. Cannot be signed, so that he can on the ATM machine accessThere seems to be no other than select. In desperation, he thought of his bank card with some current accounts, although the number is not enough, but always an emergency. Agricultural Bank of China with the help of staff, took about 10 minutes, he smoothly from ATM machines to have access to the money. Then we consult several banks, found that most banks believe that if the blind cannot checkWords tera power leveling, then wanted to apply for business is very difficult. "Touch" devices to be involved in relation to Marvin JI there sense of sight for the blind, who lives in Xicheng District of Beijing, Mr Wang's eyesight almost blind. Each month he must take himself paid out from a postal savings bank and paid into the Bank. In the postal savings bank Beijing Branch, although the King could not checkWords, teller also said it could not handle, but under the King's repeated requests, Assistant Manager agreed to help him to sign, and as confirmed by fingerprints, Wang. And this reporter went to Wang not far from the industrial and commercial bank, Mr Wang plans to deposit my salary account and buying a few industrial and financial products, over 50, he wanted to use these savings to do more for the future plans.ICBC help from one of the staff was warm and thoughtful he deposited in cash in the ATM machine.  But he plans to buy banking products, but faces a dilemma that cannot be handled.  King: If signatures difficult to impossible? Bank teller: really, you do. There is a word derived from a write. Is the risk of that sentence, youSince a copy.  Wang: I copied a sentence?  Bank teller: about 66 words.  Mr Wang: copy if it doesn't?  Bank teller: Yes.  King: If our family to help me to copy it all right? Bank teller: copying is not allowed. Financial products to be himself. If your can not copy, there is noBy doing.  Now requires particularly strict.  King: this is necessary? Bank teller: did you say need, this is the regulator's requirement.  Is the regulator requires us to do so. In addition to encounter "not signing is not business" outside the embarrassment of Bank "touch" devices, so many friends do nothing for the blind. Who lives in Lanzhou, people who are blindZhai told reporters about his experiences over the phone. Zhai: one day with a book I just went to the banks to withdraw money, which (ATM) to enter a password, and password is the key, is still good for our blind operation, the other day I went to ABC, he told me to enter a password, I suddenly feel the device is a touch-screen.This to us is there is no way to start with action for blind, do not know the specific location where. Expert: should expedite the lifting banking related services because the blind cannot sign, there is loss of right to do your banking, this is clearly without merit, so banks for this in the end is what? China's banking industry specific customer service standards does anySome elevated space? For people who are blind in the Bank to handle business, confirmation of the signature as the only standard, head of the industrial and commercial bank of China Head Office's written response is: "business permit fingerprinting for the blind, with the signature. If the human agents, in accordance with agency regulations. "But according to the survey of journalists tera power leveling, in actual business processes in the Bank for the blind, Many Bank staff in order to avoid risks, select deny to not sign business for the blind. Reporter for the problems in the banking business for the blind, submitted to the China Banking Regulatory Commission interview letter.  But until the dispatch, and did not receive the other person's response. Between the Bank and the blind to take the real "barrier-free" step? The United Nations right of persons with disabilitiesLee, Vice President, the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Yang Jia expressed his views of the blind. Patrick: I think the Bank too should set up these services. Blind people now living, want to finance. And this huge group, there are more than 16 million people. China is the first States parties to the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, and this yearTo accept the consideration of the first performance report of the United Nations, that is social, government departments and some services, have the responsibility and the obligation to make these special groups, with a sound like the realization of their right to equality. Patrick said that China, as a State party to the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, should speed up upgrading bank-related service, can use foreign people with disabilitiesHuman experience and practice. Patrick: I think we should follow international standards, for example if in a foreign country, deposits or financing business for the blind, he will provide reasonable accommodation services. In signatures, for example, will have a writing Board, put it in writing, you can shift the signature. Or the Bank's staff will help you, providingVery convenient service. Worthy of mention, on the automated teller machines abroad, have a voice device for the blind. Blind can fully independent completion of such services. Others:

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