Thursday, March 1, 2012

eq2 plat he hopes to win in Dortmund - YWJ

129732242311408750_271Reporter Elvin race in Nuremberg was not wonderful, but Dortmund players with patience to win the victory, they captured the opponent a moment of relaxation. Policy column within commented: "Dortmund proved they could win without dominant, which is an important quality of the team to win the Championship, they all made in Nuremberg, Indicate that they have the ability to defend. "Half three in Dortmund is by far the best of the three winning teams, excellent than on their start to the season. Klopp not willing to create pressure for players: "the problem is that three other teams are equally impressive, they won every week, so we must win, lest the players too much pressure. IAre not willing to consider these, otherwise it loses its fun, it was really bad.  "But looking at the other three teams after the game on Saturday, Klopp not so worried about, pressure had been transferred to a competitor. This is top of the Nuremberg coach Hecking once with the Klopp has his teammates eq2 plat, he said before the game: "Dortmund to me at allHave done a good job, so I believe they will be champions again. They will benefit because of distractions in the Bayern Munich in the Champions League. "Dortmund Manager Watts grams humorously replied" when competition with us, black gold is also willing to help in this matter, that would be great. The "Nuremberg people have kind words, but in fact, black gold team does not have anyTo relax. Their Placement is very threatening, and lingxia11du chill seemed to bound the hands of Dortmund, Nuremberg in the arena of war in the 20 minutes before had control of the game, but Simmons header is really blocking out of the Division by Kagawa, missed one of the best opportunities. Disadvantages of the teams on the field also affects the Klopp, his presence and the fourth referee geludejinsijiA quarrel, was warned by referee Meyer. 20 minutes later, Dortmund back in the game, and the Nuremberg evenly. Intermission time score still 0:0 age of conan gold, but Nuremberg has lost its advantage. First 3 minutes of the second half, Dortmund Captain Kyle with a foot tuishe knocking on the door to Nuremberg. Competition to 82 minutes, substituteDebut of Puerto Barrios follow shot to break, the team determines the victory. Lower half starts, Dortmund showed very good state. Continuous beat Hamburg, Hoffenheim, and Nuremberg, scored 10 goals in three games, lost only 2 balls, this is a championship-level score, Klopp has always been unwilling to admit it. Last week, a reporter asked him to champion issues of the belonging,Klopp smiled and replied: "If you are able to use the Chinese ask this question, I will answer you. "After beating Nuremberg, he still evaded the points standings and win situation:" I now consider is injured to the del, but our next game. Germany is very cold now, and our site there is no geothermal Cup rivals on Tuesday. UpcomingCompetition is what I consider the. "Thickness is no problem despite the bench Klopp hate to admit, but this does not prevent Dortmund win became popular. Team has a strong sense of continuity, injuries and did not have any effect on their play. When 20 minutes a game for Nuremberg, important players in midfielder Baender was replaced due to injury, Physio to doubt hisLigament injuries, the preliminary diagnosis may need to rest a few weeks ' time. Klopp once evaluation of the del for the team's most important players, even to high-scoring continued Lewandowski Mariusz and midfielder small Gertze. He said after the game: "his injuries had a big influence on us, it is very, very bad. "The del will accept nuclear magnetic resonance on Monday to check,Specific situation. But in fact, the del after the end, Dortmund's midfield running without a problem. Christian Laettner of alternate play did their job very well tera gold, half of it is his feet pretty zhichuan ball opened the attacking space Dortmund, created a Kyle scoring, Klopp praise after the game as "exciting score." Even in the absence of Christian Laettner,Klopp hands International Beijing, many are available. The del is the second long quezhen Germany international after injury Gertze did not participate in the next half of the game, Dortmund worked as normal. The West Germany reported commented: "this is the essential qualities of the champions, in the absence of the most valuable players of the time, Dortmund is always perfectly to fill the vacancy."Koubba midfielder Beck's new Assistant, two games for Hamburg and TSG Hoffenheim has very good performance. Klopp praise team "lineup was on average," he said: "the players on the individual difference is actually very small. "Klopp tactic has been deeply in the minds of the players, sometimes as long as a number of small adjustments, the team's tactical systems canWorks very well. Alternate players of high level teams where competition is fierce, also contributed to the improvement of training. Christian Laettner, PERISIC, Gundogan, who all have very strong competition of wishes. So it is with second half substitute appearance of Puerto Barrios, he hopes to win in Dortmund, also needs to be used to attract the attention of other clubs.

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