Friday, March 9, 2012

world of tanks power leveling Oedipus" doctrine in the West " - UZM

129733906128908750_20Since in the 1990 of the 20th century, with the dramatic changes of living environment, cultural diversity patterns of formation wot power leveling, of Chinese drama, people started coming out of limit of 80 's innovation in the form of drama, attempted to entirely new aesthetic concepts with position, value, aesthetic form to create the time and the subject of "new theatre". Among them, Mu Sen (microblogging), Meng Jinghui (micro-blogging)From people's pioneer experiments created the drama theme, language, structure, to the Director, performance, form a comprehensive range of revolutions. And try from a performance perspective, people on the meaning of the Constitution, subject to break the Orthodox conception of drama. Angle of view at the town folk of his plays, to establish a secular life, on the basis of the virtual world to bring real-life tall tales. NotPipes are "trilogy of idlers" or later "trilogy of dignity", are concerned about folk living in the free world resources, explore the comedic elements of the folk world, and on the dilemma of the modern spirit to complete this look.����Drama is a work of the bird. The bird people premiered in 1993, gathering of Beijing people's art theatre's most outstanding actor at the time, such asLin Liankun, and Pu cunxin (microblogging), Guanhua Liang, He Bing, Xu Fan etc. Plays put on, to their strange way of narrative, humorous humor comedy, full of philosophy of language style, seriocomic symbol of charm and absurdity, attracted the attention of Drama critics. In 2009, the complex exhaust performance of the bird, like the show's audience is still warm is not reduced. Today,Built for the Beijing people's art theatre 60 anniversary theme of "brilliant starting point" plate of the SWR one, the bird again boarded the capital Theatre stage. May extend the attraction lies in its infinite interpretations of classic and enduring art of gloss. Standing in the new cultural context, re-evaluation of "bird man" kind of life in the world, thinking "bird man" dilemma and the spirit of Kafka, ownBrand new feeling. The protagonist of the bird people are a group of birds of chengpi people of Beijing. These people well versed in bird road, to raise birds for fun all day, closed self-sufficient in the birds of the world, seeking spiritual comfort: take the three statues is a bird expert is the sad decline of Peking Opera Theatre nerd; Ding Baoluo of psychoanalysis to these birds as not normal "bird man", funded the establishment of the "Bird psychological rehabilitation centre ", with the spirit of Western analysis, create medical miracles in China; ornithologist Dr Chan to pursue only a rare bird of Brown eared pheasant is a gang leader in China among the birds.����In this way, from niaoshi into rehabilitation centers, one opened the curtain of psychoanalysis in the bird world. The play, it is difficult to find any concrete, and timeRelevant indicators, it can be said that plays in the clue is hidden in time. Closed space here to form a great symbol of time. As the character's presence and activities, the time came to the fore in the closed space. Unconscious of it hidden in the spirit of the people of the world, and by the character of the most authentic, most images of life and language to be restored.From the perspective of a degree, niaoshi on the stage of life it is the epitome of everyday life. Play some familiar faces, the people in our daily lives in a strange means of rendering, display period of play, playful life fragments, mania, paranoia, personality factors fused together, the purpose is to make us have a more sober reflection on reality and foundParadox of existence in the spirit world itself. Play as the US is a world of idlers. Though they vary in differing preferences, bird people obsessed with birds, Ding Baoluo concerns the medical practice of psychoanalysis, Dr Chan to find birds, but were abandoned due to their preferences on the surrounding world and the concerns of others. Bird birds have lost their humanity world of tanks power leveling, imprisoned in birdsWorld, Ding Baoluo, Dr Chan, who is not caught up in their own areas of focus, obsession with respect and give up on life. In their world, the only individual time and, outside of all the change has nothing to do with them. Deplorable is that they often don't realize their own spirit of these ills, the paradox between words and deeds have added themThe comic effect. Bergson said, "a comical character with General words accusing certain behavior, they immediately put up. "Plays the bird people, Ding Baoluo, Dr Chan was that some characters of their own contradictions. Such as Ding Baoluo bird very thorough analysis of people's mental world, but he is also a man who indulge their inner world, heAeration: "everyone has his own unique experience, analysis of a person, is like reading a book, a very rich book, become addicted to sth Analysis of one person, and analysis of a new one. Personal pursuit of hobbies into addiction, and that no force can stop it. "He peddled his voyeurism, Oedipus" doctrine in the West ", analysis of the dark others, soAnd he himself is the "theory" of practitioners.����Ding Baoluo appear not, him place both writers for an overly attached to their inner world without the survival status of reflection of people's ridicule, also revealed a playwright in the face of this paradox when life is difficult to unravel confusing and confused. Said: "the play is different from the previous play, you can say noThemes, and more attention to the play as a whole. I mainly want to pass it a status, living conditions and cultural status, write intricate weaving, collision, I feel about these people and things, what does not seek to impose on viewers, but hope that the audience will have to feel sth from the play "it can be said that plays the theme subtly embedded in people's actions, andProcess of drama, people can enter the plot from different angles, different evaluation, topic is open, plural. As in the transformation of social reality, filled with a variety of development, possibilities of interpretation. Here, the relationships between the different characters, conflict, contradictions between different individuals, apparently for asking age and mental state during the transitional period provides a goodPerspective. Play bird in the world, we found that the world is a super strong folk stage of piracy in the world. Three statues are of this world "rulers". His manners check who the scenery in the world, he became a bird object of worship, is also a maintaining the civil world. Shuttle from time to time in the elite intellectuals of the worldAround the world, they try to deep, on its implementation of the reform, that is, to replace with Western concepts of the so-called advanced survival status of civil self-sufficiency, but this exclusion in the world. They use their knowledge of civil discourse analysis to the world of fashion to talk about, but on itself the embarrassment of losing nothing of the situation and influence. Ding Baoluo is welcomed by Western cultural influence of its"A". He has been trying to use psychoanalysis in the West broke into the closed world of the bird people, through analysis of the spirit world who reached the so-called "medical healing" purposes. However, he was to appear in court to be tried by three statues sitting "reverse analysis", their own spiritual shortcomings were exposed in front. This plot setting quite absurd, it is renderedCivil self-sufficiency and strong in the world, and suggest that those who blindly with the help of Western knowledge of weapons, with a view to forcibly changed society, the destiny of others outcomes: their transformation efforts to transform the world into itself. Line is not a drama on the stage of "storytellers", but rather a realistic anatomy. He plays modern people's spiritual world is barren, concern shichuIncreasingly numb in paradox and in real life. His dramatic fictional folk in the world although mostly with city life around us in the background, but play characters ' actual performance in the psychology and behavior is based on the native world. In-line concept, urban development, bring people's thinking face, life changes, but it's hard to instantly change the deposition in the human heartCultural genes in the territories. The bird in the world is a world that is made up of acquaintances, and neighbors. It seems to be outside of the city cut off from civilization, life during which people lose the ability to feel the life time. However, this is the narrative in the State world of tanks power leveling, has completed its reflection on the vulnerability of urban civilization and human nature. (It was end of the onion)

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